whoohoo. Two days in a row. Arent you just FULL of joy? Yeah, you better be. Anyways, new colors/icon. The icon picture was taken way back on april 12, before sammis bat mitzvah. Isnt my hair nifty? Not to brag, but I must say that I rather liked it. But anyways.....
Today was actually quite good. Wore my cool plaid skirt that awesome
laura has as well. Whoohoo. Anyhow, science always seems so long. I hate it. Next came English, which I must say I rather enjoy, so it went by fast. Then came art with Sara, which is always loads of fun. WE get let out late. but I thought I was early, so I was just hanging around in the hallway when I saw Katherine and asked her if I was late or early back. And she said late, so I run back to homeroom, run to portuguese and drop all my books on the way in the door right in front of marissa, which was mildly embarassing. Anyways, Portuguese was looong. Because Sra. had to describe all these delicious sounding portuguese foods right before lunch when I was starving. NOT FUN!! Oh no. Then after lunch was social studies, which was short anyways, then math, which was somewhat amusing. Bailey told me about her birthday party on november 23 or something, and now I cannot wait. Its gonna be me, her, Jacki, Liz (k) and Meg, and we're gonna go to Providence Place Mall, eat at the Cheesecake Factory, then go back to her house and stay up all night watching movies! WHAT FUN!!!
This [long] weekend will be crap. Because I was planning on going shopping. But my brother has a hocley tournament so we'll be driving around all tomorrow and saturday and sunday. And then on monday, Bailey and I are going voer to Liz's to work on our presentation. That should be fun though.
Oh yeah. I need to plug all you awesome people who commented and gave me support with the whole student council thing in my entries about it:
Laura, Sabs <3,
Meils and
Emilie. I love you guys :)
Did I mention the new colors? Oh yeah, I did. Well, I like them, so you should too. Not reeeally, but yeah.
love you all <333