WHOOOOHOOO. Last night was supersupersupersuper fun. I know you really dont want to hear about the whoooole night in detail, but too bad. Lets see. When I first got there, it was just Jacki, Carly (one of my closest friends) and Emily (I've known her for a while, but we're not really friends). We sat around doing random things, then went into the basement to figure out how we would scare Bailey. Don't worry, we didnt really do anything, we were just kind of joking (ahaha, but an easy way to scare bailey is just say "so bailey, didja study for that science test??" when there isnt one. she gets SO freaked out, lmao). But when we were down there, I was standing on a chair, then I went to get down from it and it fell over forwards toward a table, and I just barely caught myself. I must have looked like a complete idiot. So after that, we went upstairs and had pizza, then went to blockbuster and the dollar store. It took forever to pick out the movies because Emily had seen lots of them, so we went over to the dollar store to get candy, and we got jacki in trouble because we go wayyyy too much. So we ended up renting Dragonfly and John Q. SO then we went back to jacki's house, and her neighbor Tina and Tina's friend Jackie came over because they were dressed up weirdly (like, underwear over pants, bra stuffed with socks and a $50 bill over shirt, lmao) and they wanted to walk around the neighborhood. So Jacki, Emily, Carly and I decided to get dressed up all weird too. It was soooo fun. Then, right before we were about to go around the neighborhood, Bailey and Olivia showed up so they came with us dressed normally. It was 10:00 so we had to be kinda quiet. We went down to Carly's (she lives in the neighborhood, so does sammi) and her dad took a picture of us. Then we played basketball with no basketball and then we sat there and looked at the stars, along with doing the "model walk" home. It was SOO fun.
After we got home we put our pajamas on, washed all the messed up makeup that we had put on, off. Then we grabbed alllll our candy and stuff and put on Dragonfly. Man, that was a good movie. Looking back on it, it really wasnt too scary at all, but when we were watching it i was terrified. Jacki and Bailey were saying "allie, calm down" and "allie, uncover your eyes" (lmao, which i didnt) and I felt really stupid because even Carly wasnt showing how scared she was, and she is very easily scared. Buuut, Emily said she was sweating and it was her 2nd time seeing and she said she was still scared so that made me feel better. It was a good thing Emily was there, otherwise I wouldnt have know when to close my eyes, rofl. I'm a wimp, I knooow. Anyways, after the part where the parrot says "honey, I'm home", I could not stop shaking. That movie had SUCH a gooooood ending though. Carly cried, and I had tears in my eyes. So yeah. Go rent Dragonfly. I need a life. Whoohoo.
After dragonfly, we watched some random shows on TV, then we talked for a bit and went to bed. In the morning Bailey woke us up around 7:30. GRRRR. We got up, played with Moe, Jacki's adoreable dog for a bit, then ate pancakes. Whoohoo. after that, we played DDR (a dance video game thing) and did some other random stuff til everyone had to go. So that was that.
Later in the day, I went to the beach with my family. I saw Sammi there, with their new boat. I felt reallly stupid for some reason.
And today we went to Black Poit beach. It was REALLY cool, the tide was super low, and there was this island thing which had waves perfect for skimboarding, so I skimboarded a bit. My brother is SO good at it, I'm pretty average.
In case you havent noticed, these are new colors. I dont like the colors or the icon, so I'll change them whenever I get unlazy.
Oooh, and
Meils' site is back up, so you NEED to check that out.