First off, screw you, Windows Movie Maker; if I want to put together a bazillion teeny tiny clips to match up to the beats of a techno song, I should be allowed to watch them so I know if they actually match up. Instead of, you know, watching the frozen image of the first one while the audio goes along merrily. Which is why I am not working on this spur-of-the-moment vid as we speak, because unless it decides to fix itself (which it eventually will--I'll get back to it, of course), I can't actually use the program. Gnarr. Gnarr. *makes note to add Decent Vidding Software to the list of things she wants with her new laptop*
Second off, I really, really like Deadwood's Doctor Cochran. He's cool. And possibly the only time Brad Dourif has been allowed to play a sympathetic character ever.
Third off (thirdly? I never remember which is right),
fantasticpants is one of the best people on the planet ever, because of
this work of mind-boggling vidding awesome. Sheer brilliance, man. Sheer. BRILLIANCE.
And now I've somehow managed to get You'll Be a Dentist mixed up in my head with Every Time We Touch; it's, er, well. Exceedingly strange.
do do-do do-do do-do-do do do-do, do do-do do-do do-do-do do do-talent for causing things pain