One final post for the night, because I know you all care deeply about my Pokemon: through some strange turn of events, they all ended up being named after the female cast of Heroes. Maya the (now quite awesome) Gyrados, Monica the (still awesome)...uh, flaming monkey fighter thing, I don't know the name because it's a new species to me, Elle the (
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I can't believe there's someone else out there who has named Pokemon after Heroes characters. Win.
(Oh my god, I'm talking Pokemon to someone. This is not something that happens.)
I just got Diamond for Christmas, so most of my Pokemon talk lately has been where do I go now? and OMG WHAT IS THIS UNDERGROUND STUFF THIS IS AWESOME. Now, talking Pokemon and Heroes at once, that is the stuff strangeness is made of.
The Underground stuff is...perplexing. I keep getting lost, and I don't think it likes me.
Also, Giga Drain has... 10 I think. Not bad. As long as I keep Roselia away from Psychic and Fire types, she's fairly kickass.
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