We had chicken provencal two days ago. I nearly cried.

Jun 09, 2012 10:12

So, here it is: a post about how I am a college graduate now!

Okay, it is not much of a post; it basically boils down to "I am a college graduate, oh god" and that is probably something you have heard before. But. I am a college graduate, oh god. I have to get more active in that jobsearch and look into apartments and all those real-person adult things. I am trying to convince myself that this will be easier to do after I have finished mainlining Game of Thrones, since I will no longer have a a big distraction lurking over my shoulder. This is good reasoning. Yes.

I'm not sure I can definitively say that I miss college. The dorm apartment wasn't so bad, and god did I love that super-high-speed internet, but the classes themselves...eh. Really, the thing I'll miss most is being in the physical presence of my friends, which seems unlikely to happen now that we have gone back to living on opposite sides of the country. I liked having real-person friends. I don't really have any back here. Hopefully when I get a job and apartment of my own I will have more opportunities for socializing, but right now it is just my family and that is a bit melancholy.

I do really really like getting to go to fancy grocery stores and having a widescreen TV, though. And comfortable seating. And a bedroom that is not quietly depressing. And the opportunity to watch Korra with my parents, who seem to be liking it, though I had to explain that it is going to get not-so-good for a while. From what I can tell, they weren't terribly fond of the romance subplots in Avatar, and since those were handled with elegant sophistication compared to the clusterfuck that is romance in Korra...well, I warned them.

Right. I am going to catch up on Korra now and then watch the new one and then get back to Game of Thrones and then go see The Avengers with my parents, so basically today is a day in which nothing of real-world value gets done but quite a deal of geek value gets done, so what do you want from me, I'm not going to have a lot more of those days in the future. Best to get them in now.

art school is srs bzns, avatar: the last airbender (also korra), my life and welcome to it, game of thrones

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