Apr 09, 2011 03:04
For one of my classes I had to read Passion Play, and the edition came with a list of the first few casts to perform it, and thus I am now content to know that, somewhere in the grand history of theater, Catherine Tate played Hitler.
So yeah, I'm still alive! I just...have not been posting much. Part of this has been due to Actual Homework Omg (twenty different poses and ten different "realistic" hands and six different environments and 30+ storyboards and three character designs and three sets of thumbnails for the 30+ storyboards and reading two plays and writing five pages all in one weekend? paltry, I say, paltry) and part of this has been due to not really having anything to say besides Have I Mentioned I Still Really Love Community, Because I Still Really Do, which is at times difficult to articulate. I want to talk about Community! I just do not really know what to say about it. I would make a pimp post except it turns out a surprising amount of you already watch it so that would not be terribly useful. Or I could make a rec post since I've been scouring the AO3 and YouTube for everything I can find and then rereading/watching until my eyes fall out. Probably I will do that at some point, actually.
Right, it is 3 AM and I cannot go to bed until Premiere Elements finishes its arcane processes so clearly it is time to go back to the AO3 and reread all the things. Allons-y!
art school is srs bzns,
i like actors,
my life and welcome to it,
passion play,
i like theatre