It is weird how when I have classes and homework and actual deadlines I post all the time, and yet when I am home and have no real obligations whatsoever I fall silent on the internet front. So this is what I have been doing! --I have not been doing very much. A couple weeks ago I convinced my parents to order this big Adobe package (student
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It's kind of ridiculously amazing that they shot a 90-minute movie in four days, seriously. (And the commentaries and vlogs reveal just how hellish the conditions were--damn, that lot is hardcore. For a bunch of pasty white out-of-shape twentysomething nerds. Actually it's kind of amazing they didn't all die, isn't it.)
I shall look into the Phantasmagoria review, then! This is the beauty of summer vacation: I am completely justified in doing nothing besides watch videos on the internet. OH YEAH.
I've read Daily Show/Colbert Report stuff; I'm used to handwaving it as "it's the characters, not the people". Although I also read J2 so what do I know. I would totally, totally read that epic! I WOULD READ IT SO HARD. FIND SOME WAY OF BRINGING IT INTO EXISTENCE.
Seeing the Cinema Snob give it an objective review did help soften the impact (I'd already read a Wikipedia summary), yeah, but god do I ever wish brain bleach was a real invention. Someone should get on that.
I don't suppose you could link me to any of the rather good stuff? So far what I've found is...well, what you'd expect. I hold out hope, but sifting is always an awkward process.
And yeah nothing wrong with liking Linkara. He does have a certain....quality (in other words, yeah I like him too). Every time he includes an Old Who clip I'm like WOOT!
Not seen the fanfic review, where's that then?
Critic himself is cool, I prefer him over Angry Videogame Nerd.
Also yeah the Chick is great. I loved her Pocahontas, Labyrinth and Mulan reviews. and the recent one about pop starts, although unsure why she didn't include Miley Cyrus in that.
The crossovers and events that I have seen (the Team Brawl and the Mechakara storyline, for example) all flow so well that I forget how much work it must take to coordinate and shoot until I watch the commentaries. I mean, even for pros fight scenes are supposed to be really hard to coordinate, and the Team Brawl is one huge fight scene involving a dozen people with all kinds of props and special effects and it frankly still amazes me. I so cannot wait to see how Kickassia went.
I've never been in an RPS fandom (or at least a primarily RPS fandom) before, so I've never had to get over the weirdness, but it doesn't help that the TGWTG guys are somewhat more likely to come across or read said fic than, say, Stephen Colbert is. Though I suppose Colbert at least knowing about the fic is not outside the realm of possibility. But it's not like I'm the only fic writer out there, so...hmm.
Well, anything by emeriin is usually pretty good - she's got a hooker!verse AU that gets a lot of good feedback, though I haven't read it because hookerfic isn't my thing, and her one-shots are quite good as well - they introduce angst into the verse rather well considering how cracky the actual canon is. This Ask That Guy fic is a particular favorite of mine. There's also this Linksano origin story that I like, and the In SPACE! verse, which contrary to its name is actually quite dark and while a little uneven is still enjoyable. That should get you started!
I think Doug went to film school, so at least he does have some experience with directing, and maybe Rob does as well? But I doubt that involved any study in stunt coordination, so dayumn. Talk about learning how to swim by being thrown in a lake. (And industry standard for the amount of pages shot in a day is three--so if they did eighty-five pages in four days...dude, this lot could give Hollywood a run for their money if they really wanted to.)
I don't think Jon and Stephen know about fic per se, but they do know that a not inconsiderable number of people enjoy their more flirty moments, which is why they keep having them. Jared and Jensen almost certainly do know about fic, which is kind of terrifying, but hey, doesn't stop anybody! I think the TGWTG folks would find it more amusing than anything, really. And given that one "stop giving material to the slashficcers!" line in a Linkara+Spoony review...yeah.
I shall be sure to check those out, then! Thanks muchly! :DDDD
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