I keep trying to think of reasons to use my Hanna icons, but really none of them are happy. Hrm.

Mar 06, 2010 02:03

Whuff, too much sushi. Tonight my friends and I finished watching Mirage of Blaze, which is, uh, well, we were promised gay, but. We did not really get that much. Nor did we get the billowing capes the opening promised, or in fact pretty much anything the opening promised, because the opening is full of lies. Also the budget was pretty terrible--there is an episode where objects actually covered the lower halves of the characters' faces so the animators didn't have to do the lip flaps--and none of us could figure out what was going on, or who anybody was, or if we were even supposed to know who anybody was. And this is given that we actually did know most of the names, since they were taken from the same Real Historical People as the folks in Sengoku Basara, with about the same level of historical accuracy. ("Is that Kojuuro? Wait, no, he's calling that guy Kojuuro. But--but that guy's calling him Kojuuro. THEY ARE CALLING EACH OTHER THE SAME NAME. WHY AREN'T THERE CAPES YET.") It is the sort of series where one could create a drinking game wherein you take a drink every time you are confused, but then you would, in fact, die.

Premiere Elements is somehow managing to be even less functional than Windows Movie Maker, which. I am not sure that was actually possible? But it feels the need to "conform" like half the files I'm trying to use every single time I play a clip, and then when I put clips on the timeline they are all jerky for no discernible reason (not the first ones I put on there! just, y'know, the ones after those. perhaps it's just in a bad mood today) and basically I am not very impressed with any of this. On one hand, the program has only crashed a few times, which is rather more than I can say for WMM on its best of days, so--so I am just going to have to muddle through it. I suspect part of the problem may be that my poor little tablet PC is not really designed for fancy programs, but you'd think something called Elements would be, well, less complicated and excessive, right? Right?

Last Wednesday I had a seizure, which was all kinds of fun, and now I have learned a lovely new side effect: falling hard on your legs makes them sore as fuck for days afterward, or at least I am hoping it was the fall because if it wasn't then I have no idea what is going on and when it comes to this sort of thing I quite like knowing what is going on. At least now I have a legitimate excuse to be in bed all day? Standing up should not hurt this much, fuck. Fortunately walking is not so bad, unless there are stairs involved (all the exits from the dorm involve stairs).

The final for my preproduction class involves making a movie from one of the scripts from the teacher's Intro to Screenwriting course, so that is what I did this morning; getting up at 7 and going to a nursing home is not really how I usually spend my weekend, but okay! (The script partly takes place at a nursing home, and we got permission to film at one.) --and then it turned out that the building was under quarantine and we were not allowed inside. Well then! We ended up shooting outside, which turned out to be probably better because we didn't have to set up the lights and the outside looks more like a nursing home than the inside does anyway. I consider this to be valuable experience. Of course, I did not actually do very much at the shoot besides holding up the board and saying "roll 1 scene 1 take 1" etc, because my job was editing the script rather than doing any of the technical stuff, but. Valuable experience.

mirage of blaze, art school is srs bzns, hanna is not a boy's name, sengoku basara, vids and vidding, my life and welcome to it, i like technology but it doesn't like me

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