Do you know how hard it was to find a cap of Tenma looking happy? It shouldn't have been that hard. But it was! Oh, Tenma.
The difference between Annanina's and Tenma's plans for getting into the Baby's place amuses me perhaps more than it should. Annanina's plan: get invited by sheer force of determination! Tenma's plan: get hit by a car and dragged there. And then beaten up with a pool cue. And fail to get what you wanted in the first place. This is what you get when you try to be a hardboiled action hero, honey.
Meanwhile, DIETER IS BEST.
bookelfe I finally realize what you meant by "dubiousfaces"--the one he pulls on whatsisface-the-rat-faced-guy for suggesting stealing that rug is AMAZING BEYOND BELIEF. And the continued insistence that he doesn't need parents because he's got Tenma :D :D :D ! But really he should know better than to go wandering in dark alleys with nothing but a soccer ball. Clearly Tenma is contagious. Perhaps Dieter should spend more time around Annanina. I would be down with that!
I will admit that the "WE WILL TOTALLY MAKE JOHAN THE NEXT HITLER" plan disappointed me a little at first, because that is the stupidest plan ever and I thought Urasawa was better than that. But then other characters point out that that is the stupidest plan ever and the people who thought it up are all killed for being so incredibly stupid, and my feelings were much improved. Because really. Stupidest plan ever.
--also uh I'm listening to "I Want It All" from High School Musical 3 right now and I can't get the mental image of Johan as Sharpay and Annanina as Ryan out of my head. That is possibly the worst crossover ever conceived of by man, but it won't go away.