Oct 20, 2009 12:38
Oh and! I've been watching Monster with my friends (it airs on Mondays at SyFy, and, well, I figure I can balance out the shame by telling my friends never to watch Stargate Universe), and it is actually pretty awesome! I've only seen the first four episodes, which appear to have mostly just been setting up the plot, but it looks like quite an interesting plot, yes yes. From what I've seen, it is about a Japanese surgeon living in Germany who saves the life of a young boy and is promptly screwed over by the bureaucrats who run the hospital he works at; then the boy disappears, the bureaucrats are found dead, and the screwed-overness is reversed--timeskip nine years ahead, when the surgeon is successful and happy until he runs into the kid again, all grown-up and sociopathic and oh hey turns out it might have been a bad idea to tell a head-injury patient in a coma that a few people would be better off dead. Judging by the opening, the surgeon's life is probably going to go completely downhill after this. Because, y'know. Finding out you unleashed a soulless killer on the world is not the most inspiring thing that could happen to you.
(Are those spoilers? I mean, that is the premise of the series, and it is kind of hard to describe something without saying what it is about. Ah well. I already knew the kid was gonna turn out bad, 'cause of TV Tropes, and honestly it is not difficult to tell that someone is going to kill the head hospital dudes, so.)
Other bonus points: the animation style is pretty cool (everyone has unique noses! You can tell who the bad guys are by how small their eyes are!), the surgeon is so ridiculously likeable it hurts, the setting isn't something I've seen often (nineties Germany; before the timeskip, there are frequent references to the East/West divide), the dub is actually not bad, and um it is kind of Mylar all over again. I DID NOT THINK IT WAS GOING TO BE, OKAY. I thought I'd finally found a series I liked that didn't feature much in the way of subtext/actual-text, but then I got to the scene where the surgeon first interacts with grown-up!sociopath who is all "you know what, I like you! I mean, I did totally save your career way back when and I don't really feel like killng you now even if I am so going to drive the knife in about what you inadvertantly caused" and I am a horrible person. (He also says the surgeon is like a father to him. Um. I just cannot get away from this stuff, can I.) But I still like it for the plot, honest! And the surgeon. Seriously, he's adorable.
tv tropes will ruin your life,
stargates of one kind or another,
i like anime apparently,
yes i am really very odd,