Aug 23, 2009 22:10
Ponyo: a very cute movie! It does not always make a lot of sense, but it is totes adorable and I only just discovered that Noah Cyrus is a girl, what. It would have been awesome if a female character was voiced by a guy! Who the hell names a girl Noah? But she is surprisingly good anyway, as is The Littlest Jonas. I do not think Liam Neeson is a very good voice actor, though. Great regular actor! Not great voice actor. I shall have to check out the sub eventually. In conclusion, better than Howl's Moving Castle but not as good as Spirited Away, although really nothing is ever as good as Spirited Away so that is not a fair comparison. On about the same level as My Neighbor Totoro, let's say; it was definitely skewed towards a single-digit-age audience. And the use of colored-pencil backgrounds was lovely.
my neighbor totoro,
howl's moving castle,
i like actors,
i like movies,
spirited away,
i like animation