Aug 12, 2009 15:29
Hey, there are people here who watch Chuck, right? Tell me if I should watch the finale. I managed to slog through the rest of it, but, eh. Why have I stopped caring about everything I used to like. D: (I still care about Whoniverse and SPN! But, um. Not Chuck or House or Reaper or Heroes. You know, this time last year, I had the disconcerting realization that I'd be watching TV almost every single night come September, with stuff stacked against each other that I'd have to check out via other methods. And now there's, er, Thursday. Oh and HIMYM on Mondays. And--okay, Psych and Leverage and Dexter and the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, I still kind of watch too much television, but I watch significantly less too much television than I used to.) But my point is, is it worth caring about still? Or should I resign it to the pile of lost fandoms? These are the choices I must make in my life.
...also I have somehow drawn England/America prison!AU sex. Um. I am not sure what to think of this. I mean, on a technical level, it's better than the last time I tried to draw sex? And there's not even really any nudity? On the other hand, it's kind of skeevy and England creeps me out. So I do not know if I should scan it or leave it in my sketchbook and never let it see the light of the day. These are the other choices I must make in my life. Man, my life is hard.
ain't no het in hetalia,
seriously what the hell,
i like television,
writing is hard sometimes,
yes i am really very odd