i have done this meme before. i will go check out my old answers now

Dec 02, 2008 10:43

Because I am at work and bored and they have not found the DVDs for me to transcribe yet:

The one who seduced you and fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces and laughed about it: Yeeeeah, I'm gonna go with Heroes on this one. It loved me, baby, it really did! Only maybe not so much. *weeps single tear at its loss*

The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets: Hm. Good Omens. Although there haven't really been any drinks or pleasant nostalgic romps, but, y'know, I wouldn't be opposed to them if there were.

The mysterious dark gothy one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffeehouses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized ze really was fucking crazy: Invader Zim. Long, long time ago, my friends. We all make mistakes when we're thirteen.

The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you'd still really like to fuck again although you're relieved ze doesn't actually live in town: Torchwood. It seems very much like the kind of fandom that would drink all your liquor. And sure, I'd read a fic if it was recced to me or written by someone whose work I trust, but it's never gonna be my mainstay.

The steady: At this point, actually? Doctor Who. I loved it before I came into its fandom, and I love it still, and I see no reason for me to abandon it; baby, you might not always be the smartest crayon in the box, but I do so love you.

The one you repeatedly cheat on your steady with: Ahaha. Well, six months ago I would have said Doctor Who; four months ago I would have said Supernatural...but really, if we're going to go for the one that keeps giving me the occasional urge to write or read fic despite not actually being involved in the fandom so much? Chuck. Bryce, sweetie, the things you do to me.

The one you find yourself too tongue-tied to do anything but stare at adoringly, clinging to hir every word: Stargate: Atlantis. Huuuge fandom, dazzling writers, spectacular vids, actually some of the best fics and vids I've read and seen in any fandom--but I have no ideas for my own stuff, and so I remain a lurker. It doesn't help that pretty much none of y'all watch it, so I can't even talk about it much. But I do love it! In my quiet little way...

The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with: House. Love the characters, like the show, still get giggly over the main pairing; aside from the House crossovers, have never written any fic, and haven't read much either. Besides, I don't know any of the writers there; quality control would prove difficult.

The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you're just good buddies 'cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain't: Dexter. Love the show, but why would I want to write fic about it? It...doesn't really need it.

The one you think you might marry, but you need to spend some more time together: As of late...Supernatural. It's just such a big lovely fandom, you guys! So many good writers! So many awesome vids! And if I ever actually finished any of the fics lurking on my hard drive, I can get involved in it, too, which is more than I can say for any other fandom in the past year.

The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool peep except it's never really gone anywhere: All things Whedon. Yes, they're very nice, and I did have that minor obsessive period with Dr. Horrible, but the fandoms are kind of scary and it's hard to get into an inactive source if you're not willing to dive headlong into the fandom too.

The one you slept with on the rebound who still smiles at you, yet you have no interest in any more: Reaper. Although, admittedly, the new season hasn't started yet; who knows what will happen when it does.

The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at hir and thinking, "Hir? How the hell did ze land all these cool babes?": Gossip Girl. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can't watch a show if I know that just about every character in it would treat me like dirt. And yet, people love it! I just don't get it, y'all.

The one your friend has fallen for like a ton of bricks and whom ze keeps babbling to you about on the phone for hours, and you'd be happy for hir except you just know it's going to end badly: Retroactively Heroes, I suppose. Since nobody's really just started to fall for it any more. Again, a single tear for lost love.

chuck, reaper, i like television, supernatural, heroes, good god that's a lot of tags, good omens, house, all things joss whedon, stargates of one kind or another, i love fandom, dr. horrible's sing-along blog, doctor who, dexter, invader zim, torchwood, i has a meme

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