toft_froggy: when you see this, quote some Shakespeare!
So, uh, given that my most recent exposure to Shakespeare was the Supernatural fic, and even though I haven't actually seen the play in question, this was the first that came to mind (oh Dean):
Marry, if you would pit me to verses or to dance for your sake, why you undo me.
I cannot look greenly, nor gasp out my eloquence, nor have I no cunning in protestation,
only downright oaths which I never use till urged, nor ever break for urging.
I speak to thee plain soldier. If thou canst love me for this, take me.
And while thou liv'st take a fellow of plain and uncoined constancy,
for he perforce must do thee right, because he hath not the gift to woo in other places.
Canst thou love me?
From Henry the Fifth. All of the lines I can actually think of are the ones everybody knows--"whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune", "cry 'havoc!' and let loose the dogs of war", etcetera, etcetera. So, uh, I'll go with the totally random one from the play I've never read, because it was used in a fic for an extremely unrelated show. It was a really good fic, dammit. And in context the last line totally killed me.