seriously, this title thing is getting ridiculous

Aug 14, 2008 14:13

From stunt_muppet:

What's the last thing you wrote?

The Pineapple Express story that sits, lurking, staring at me while I try to think of a title for it. ONE DAY I SHALL. ONE DAY.

Was it any good?

...I hope so?

What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?

My first Heroes fic, which was also my first Mylar fic, which was also my first slash fic, which was also the first fic I'd written since I was fourteen--although, y'know, I think those few really old ones are still on somewhere...

Write poetry?

I have tried. I think my calling is elsewhere.

Angsty poetry?

The anti-pretention part of me would like to scream and run away at the very thought. If I were to write poetry, it would be either really pretty or really silly, dammit.

Most fun character you ever wrote?

HARRY LOCKHART. At long last, a character who rambles as much as I do! *hearts*

Most annoying character you ever wrote?

EVERYONE IN THE DR. HORRIBLE/MIDDLEMAN FIC EXCEPT POSSIBLY FOR WENDY. I swear to god, every single line of dialogue in there is torture.

Best plot you ever wrote?

The House crossover, I suppose, given that it's one of the very few that has a plot. Although there's this pro-fic thing I'd like to do some day...

Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?

I gave Peter Petrelli brain cancer. Does that count?

How often do you get writer's block?

A minimum of twice a story, unless it's one of those freaky not-my-usual-fandom things where I bang it out in two days. (See: Chuck, Reaper, Pineapple Express if I ever post it...) And, of course, sometimes stories will go for months without being worked on. But isn't that standard?

How do you fix it?

Magic. Which is to say, a mixture of determination, guilt, and the occasional burst of inspiration.

Do you type or write by hand?

Type. Although I did write a bit of a Heroes story on actual paper, once, when I was at school and bored...but the story didn't get very far and will never be finished. (Think Five Years Gone, but meets The Lovely Bones. Yeah. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY.)

Do you save everything you write?

Yes, except for the aforementioned handwritten bit, which I suspect is lost forever.

Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?

*points to the last story she posted* Also I'm totally going to go back to the WWII AU eventually. TOTALLY.

What's your favorite thing that you've written?

The Heroes/House crossover, I suppose? Certainly I think it's the most solid story I've written, and I have the fewest nitpicks about it. Though I've got a soft spot for my two Chuck fics as well.

What's everyone else's favorite thing that you've written?

Second verse, same as the first! It got the most comments, anyway, plus it won an award and stuff.

Do you ever show people your work?

...yes? Not in RL, though. Although if I met an RL fan and was certain they would at least be interested in checking it out, I might send them a link.

Who's your favorite constructive critic?

Uh...well, indyhat was my beta for the BDPS, and I maintain that she made it at least 25% better, so let's go with her. I don't get a lot of constructive criticism.

Did you ever write a novel?

The BDPS could count as a novelette, I think, but other than that, no. But eventually! Eventually...

Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?

I'm going to have to think about that one. In all seriousness, though, I wouldn't say I've written horror--though both the Reaper fics got a bit creepy, and there was the Mylar story with the serial killer, maybe.

Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?

Romance, yes. Teen angsty drama...well, teen!Peter does generate a fair bit of angst on occasion, so possibly. But I don't think I've ever actually written teenage characters besides him (and a bit of Nathan). I must broaden my horizons. Or acquire fandoms which have teenage characters.

What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?

Is PWP a genre? Because I sincerely doubt I could ever muster up the courage to do that. Alternately, anything truly gory and violent--but more out of ability rather than inclination; I think I would be capable of thinking of a story that involved it, but I wouldn't be able to actually write it, at least not for a while.

How many writing projects are you working on right now?

The Jo fic, the Dr. Horrible/Middleman crossover, (theoretically) the Psych/House crossover...and, technically, the Pineapple Express fic. SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS WITH ME AND TITLES.

Do you want to write for a living?

Yes. Books, comics, TV--at this point, I'm not sure I even could do something else for a living; I don't have the education or inclination to go into anything else, unless an MFA really is the only degree you need to be a teacher at an art school (and I kind of hope it is, but probably it is not).

Have you ever won an award for your writing?

Yes--Best Epic for the BDPS (which I maintain that it did not deserve), Best Nathan/Peter G-PG13 for Develop, Best Peter Characterization for Training Exercise (which never fails to amuse me), and Best Crossover for the Heroes/House fic. Also I think there were some runner-ups and maybe a tie somewhere in there.

Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?

Actually, yes! But only for a school newspaper. Still, I totally got good grades for my stuff. (And I was the staff artist, too.)

Ever written something in script or play format?

...somewhere, if you know where to look and what name to look for, you may be able to find the second fanfic I ever wrote, the Invader Zim story about a pair of OCs completely separated from the actual events of the show. It was in script format. I may have been the only fourteen-year-old in the world to have written an OC who wasn't a Mary Sue and barely ran into any of the canon characters. I'm just that special.

What is your favorite word?

Zeugma! But if we're going for words I might actually use, well, I use "actually" way more often than I should. It's not a very pretty or interesting word, but dammit, I find a use for it.

Do you ever write based on yourself?

Whenever the characters in my stories talk about movies or books or whatever--which they often do--I generally have them talking about stuff I've seen recently. E.g., Nathan's favorite movie is totally Casablanca, because I saw it and I liked it and it's not inconceivable that he would have liked it too. Besides that, I don't think a huge amount gets through.

Which of your characters most resembles you?

Uh. None of them? I suppose there are bits and pieces of me to be found in other characters--a little in Peter, a little in Nathan, a little in Heidi--but like I said, none of them's really me. As for OCs, I don't have a lot, so I couldn't say.

Where do you get ideas for your characters?

Tahiti. Failing that, the TV shows/movies they came from.

Do you ever write based on your dreams?

Not that I can recall--my dreams are not usually the things one would translate into stories. Unless there's mileage to be had out of giant green E.T.s in Klingon spaceships? Or a foursome with Solid Snake, Mulder, and Scully?

Do you prefer happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?

I think almost all of my stories have had happy endings. Maybe the Chuck fics were more 'poignant' than 'happy', and the Mylar serial killer convention fic was more 'creepy', but generally speaking, there's no great font of angst. For stories I read...depends on if it works or not. Sometimes a good gut-punch is the only way to go.

Have you ever written anything based on an artwork you've seen?

Well, the Pineapple Express fic was sort of inspired by the fanart I drew before that, but only sort of. Aside from that, no.

Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?

Let's go with a 'yes' for that. I do it kind of automatically, and I immediately fix anything noticeably wrong.

Does music help you write?

The first Reaper fic was written whilst I was listening to a bunch of Muse songs, but aside from that, no, it's generally too distracting.

Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?

People in RL would not be surprised at all to hear I'm a decent writer; people on the internet, well, pretty much everyone who knows me on LJ knows I'm a writer, so I should hope they're not too surprised by it.

chuck, reaper, mylar, wtf awards, my life and welcome to it, casablanca love, i am not writing a big damn wwii story, heroes, omg petrellis, writing is hard sometimes, psych, the middleman, the klingon for i love you is qamusha', dr. horrible's sing-along blog, invader zim, big damn petrelli story, pineapple express, the lovely bones, kiss kiss bang bang, i has a meme, yes i am really very odd

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