Who is Your Ideal TV Boyfriend?
Created by BuddyTV Yeah, this...does not really surprise me, somehow. The other options, as far as I could discern, were Dean Winchester, Peter Petrelli, Matt Saracen from Friday Night Lights, Jim Halpert from The Office, Sawyer from Lost, and House. I do not want to be Dean's girlfriend. I like living. Matt, honey, I don't really know you at all, so I really couldn't say. Sawyer, you're a dick. Jim, you're very sweet, but you've kind of got a One True Love thing going on. Peter, all your girlfriends either die or get trapped in the future, also I so do not want to get involved in your mess. House...yeah. But Chuck? Hey, he's already got enough boyfriends and girlfriend to fill out an AD&D adventure party, and none of them are dead yet (well--not really dead); why not add another one? Plus, I always wanted to learn Klingon. And the show isn't depressing enough for love interests to actually die, so my survival chances are considerably higher than with most of the others. Also: can totally watch him make out with Bryce and/or Casey. It's a win-win situation!
Was that a 'John'? Was that four 'John's? Hot damn, we're making progress! Now, if only that could happen more often...I did kind of miss the rest of the gang (wasn't Sam supposed to actually, y'know, do stuff? I think she's been in like three episodes this season), though. Some cringeworthy moments this ep if you've got an embarrassment squick, and I hella do, but the ending certainly made up for that. Mmmm, portraying McKay as useful and heroic. Why can't that happen more often? I swear, 80% of the time the show practically revolves around the guy, you'd think it'd be more complimentary of him.
Also, I am deeply miffed that they didn't make a joke about John being the True Queen. But fandom will make up for this, I suspect. OH AND. "People are always falling for John Sheppard". Note the lack of gender specificity. Oh, Martin Gero. Sometimes I think you're on our side. And then we have scenes like Harmony worrying about Rodney coming in between her and Sheppard, and I know you are.
I did not get anything done today, which vaguely distresses me--I did at one point actually try to work on the WWII AU, but I found it very difficult to dredge out even the most basic dossier for Matt, and I am so not looking forward to getting back to Mohinder's opening expository-book-fragments, because 1) it's bloody hard to write Mohinder, 2) it's bloody hard to write blatant exposition, for some reason, and 3) I don't think I actually want to write. Dammit, I need to write! I haven't done anything productive in weeks! I'm not going to get back to vidding until I get the new laptop--and unfortunately, I think the Every Time We Touch vid is a loss; I just can't come up with enough shots to cover the second instrumental bit (barely have enough to finish the first, even), so I will probably end up, er, simply not vidding the second instrumental section at all and putting up the unfinished work, without fanfare, just so there will be actual proof I did try something.
Oh, and. First episode of the second season of Deadwood? Is it bad that the only bit I really liked in it was the seven seconds where Jane fell back on her horse? Not that the rest was bad, mind you, that's just the only bit that made me happy. Why can't there be more Doc Cochran? Hell, they should just have an entire show with Jane and Doc Cochran. Maybe Ellsworth can show up now and then. Everyone else can just go be miserable.