(no subject)

Feb 23, 2010 22:34

I am: aphonetic

I Play:

+ America | Hetalia, me_fuckyeah
+ Morgana | Merlin, futureseeing
+ Don Draper | Mad Men, carpetmatches

I Used to Play:

Kratos Aurion | Tales of Symphonia | faildad
Dagger | FFIX | studiesdrama
Guy Cecil #3 | Tales of the Abyss | theyesguy
Zelos Wilder | Tales of Symphonia | dearsheena_no
Austria | Hetalia | missesfuckingme
Kairi #2 | Kingdom Hearts | arememberedoath

Contact: You can find me at fated sound on AIM most of the time. It's slightly more reliable than IRC. Slightly. If I'm on IRC, I'll be on under some version of America or Morgana. But the best way to get in touch with me and be assured your message won't vanish to the ether is by email. intheaf@gmail

EMERGENCY Contact: liebacknthinkof has my phone number. I don't know who else does-- oh. Yes. das_sourkraut also has my number. But just stick with email-- I am usually here in... some capacity.

Availability: Not very much, these days. I play when I can or when I need a mental breather. Which leaves me for not playing very often at all. But I am usually at a place where I can access email, so.

I'm definitely not available late nights during weekdays. Everything else varies.

Timezone/Language: CST/English

The Playing Experience: I like fast paced threads, so I typically prefer running posts as opposed to tagging them. Because if I'm left to sit and stew for a few minutes, I'll probably wander off and once I wander off, it's very hard to get me back on track. Also, if my mental energy is high, I can keep at a post for 4 hours or so before I start tapering off and dropping threads. My usual threshold is about 2 hours, however. And once I drop a post, I drop everyone's threads, unless I am poked to tag back. I'm just not very good about dropping threads selectively. I always end up feeling guilty and remembering I hate it when it's done to me.

Goals: Do one post with Don, when I have time. Build new CR with America. Continue Morgana's CR.

Betaing: Until someone tells me otherwise, I am a good beta. However, I do best with GDocs and plenty of time before the app window opens. If you know I really want your character in Camp, you can bug me fore a last minute beta and I'll be happy to... Otherwise, I'm typically mentally drained as is these days.

AUs: I'm open to them, if someone wants to pitch an idea to me. I never go searching people out myself, though.

Pimping: I don't really pimp. I don't often have the resources to upload, and like I scan things. ._. And really? I'm a terrible person to pimp to right now. I've had Gankutsuou since I get back from Japan, and I still haven't watched it. If you pimp something to me, you have to really sell it to me. And no guarantees I'll app.

Other: PLEASE talk to me if you have a problem with me or my playing, as opposed to running to other parts of the internet to do so. I won't lie, I do watch the anon meme and RPS, but I never comment to the anon meme, and using RPS will just cause me to roll my eyes. I'd rather open and frank communication, even if you feel the need to go anon for it. As long as it's genuine and I feel you've got a point or genuine concern, I won't judge you for anon. I promise, despite whatever appearance I give to the contrary, I don't bite and I don't hold grudges.

I also have to stop myself daily from making political posts with America. It's very hard.
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