Fiction is the only way you're dealing

Oct 04, 2006 03:10

You know when you think a night is gonna be awesome? And you end up disappointed in some aspects but not in others? And you don't know what to think?

Bowland's Big Night Out tonight. Five bars then the Sugarhouse. For our group bars were: Revolution (eh), Keystones (not bad), Lounge (ditto), Wetherspoons (not the good one though) and Fibbger McGees (boo). Not an amazing list but since the fresher's didn't know the difference I gather they enjoyed themselves. Met two third years who were reps with our group who were really nice. Got on great with one of them: Alex. Corridor repping has the ability to let other years beside fresher's meet new people it seems. Which is cool.

And then Sugarhouse. It's awesome inside. Absolutely wicked. You walk in and just "wow" Even the toilets are "wow"! I felt kinda sorry for the fresher's at this point because they didn't get the full impact of the Sugarhouse as they didn't know how grotty it kinda looked last year. It's now got two rooms instead of three: the main room and another one with seating and quieter music. The seating room has a groovy curved wall. And in the main room the DJ box is now in the middle rather than at one end. It's so cool. Me and Lauren are going next week to Juicy. Which they're putting on every week now! Not that I've ever been before but it's good that they are.

So far the night was cool. It was actually in the Sugarhouse when the disappointment set it. Liam vanished within minutes (no surprise there) and I spent quite a bit of time with just me and Johnny which, although I don't mind that, got a bit awkward I feel. Then once he and Sarah had left I spent the remained with Tom and his friend who I didn't know and wasn't in the mood to be social by this point. So I just tagged on with them until we got back to campus. Then I went to Pizzetta with Kyle, Catherine and Ellie which was alright. I think I spoke to Kyle properly more in that 15 minutes than I did all last year. But that's good. I like Kyle.

I also was getting kinda weird seeing so many couples. It's odd. Half the time I don't mind being single. And the rest I do. I don't want to walk into another relationship just yet but sometimes I just want someone around. Even if it's only for one night. Ah well... can't have everything I suppose.

So yeah a mixed night. And it's weird not to have touched alcohol all night. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can go without alcohol quite easily but I'm used to drinking it in a club. And 'cause of my throat I'm not drinking at the moment. I'm just hoping I'm alright for Saturday for the campus bar crawl.

This weeks going strangely. And I can't explain it. I'm thrilled to be back and everything. But 'cause I'm not 100% well I feel a bit out of it at times. I missed a meeting this morning 'cause I didn't want to get out of bed I felt so rough. So I lost half the day. I had a half hour long shower because it felt good to sit under the running water (yes I did actually sit as well) and I felt a lot better. I managed to go and get my NUS and Purple Cards and also made a Doctor Appt (10:20am next Monday. Groan.) And that's been my day. Tomorrow I want to go into Lancaster. I've not been yet and I just want to go walk around it, see what's been going on since June. And that paragraph didn't end up quite where it started. Whatever.

Bed now...
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