Mar 12, 2007 22:34
* Insert funk guitars and frat boy rock beat here
Today was all ups and downs my friends. Fucking crazy I tell you. Started out with a nice letter from one of the authors I'm working with about the prototypes I sent her for the interior pages of her books. She loved them all. A very nice feeling. Even more so since she needed a LOT of convincing on the cover. But now that she's seeing it all come together she's pretty happy.
Then I get to the studio. I brought home a 7 spreads to work on over the weekend. Turned them all into the creative director and they all got the thumbs down, with two needing me to start over from scratch. NEVER a good feeling.
Got feedback on the spreads I wrapped up Friday before I left. All were alright, but all the headlines needed to be reworked. One took me 3 attempts to get right.
Worked on some visual summary pages for science between corrections and turned those in to the CD. All got immediate approval.
Finished up the last round of corrections and looked at the clock. 6:45. How the hell did it get so late. I looked up and not anyone in the studio had left yet. We all lauged our asses off. Well, at least those of us who get paid by the hour.
Got home to see a package from Interpunk. LOTS of awesome J-Punk (and a couple good ol' Amurcan bands). The following records are now mine:
Anti Justice -The Five Tinder Folklore CD
Beat Caravan -Beat Caravan 7''
Cradle To Grave -Cradle To Grave CD
Cradle To Grave -From The Cradle To The Grave CD
Cradle To Grave/Spray Paint -Split CD
Fifthwheel -Revolution For Freedom CD
Gleam Garden -Still Burning 7''
I Excuse -Burn The Empty To The Ash CD
Moga The 5 Yen -Imachi Zukiyo No Hanashi CD
Practice/Smalltown -Split 7''
Registrators -Imagination World b/w U.2.M.31.S.Wonder 7''
Registrators -Rare Tracks CD
Registrators -Singles CD
Registrators -Sixteen Wires CD
Registrators -T.V. Hell 7''
Report Suspicious Activity -Dreamland CD
Signal Lost -You'll Never Get Us Down Again 7''
Snotty -Short Quick Love CD
Soon -Kill The Hipsters CD
Sprocket Wheel -Singles Compilation CD
Water Closet -Water Closet Music CD
Coffee with Lyssa.
No Heroes until April 23rd.
Didn't look over the tax paperwork that I need to take care of.
Up 3 for the day. Not bad.