Hey everyone. I've been completely silent on this thing for far too long. I don't think I have the time to update with what's going on in my life every moment of the day, because, well, I just don't, but since I use this whole Livejournal experience pretty much to stay in touch with people, I see no harm in keeping you all up to date with things that are going on over here.
Today an interview went up over at
75 Minutes that I did with
Bound Stems. 75 Minutes is the podcast that Lyssa and I host and every Wednesday we interview a new artist and I edit it together with music and what not. If you have iTunes you can subscribe to the program
right here.
Also, in case you missed it, I added a couple of writers to
Em P Me. The amount of submissions was just getting uncontrollable. John is great. He lives in Chicago and moved into my apartment when I moved out. We overlapped for about a month and one morning I woke up and he was gone. Odd. Around 3 he comes walking into the apartment. His bike was in the shop so he decided to walk down to Grant Park and back. Nutjob. Ian is Rad. No really, he is. He helps out on 75 Minutes and if your band has a keyboard he will like you. No questions asked. We all posted our Top 10 lists about a week and a half ago. Here they are:
Mine |
Ian's |
John's Also, I just joined
indiemixtrade and it seems to be pretty awesome. Sign up and join the mix party.