+++ Out of Cheese Error +++

Dec 11, 2010 18:06

Just 'cos I apparently can't get enough of whining about the lack of violence and stuff on telly.
Watching the 2006 Hogfather film whilst in the middle of the book was probably not such a good idea after all, 'cos I notice the little differences. Just how patronising is it, replacing "The Hogfather is... DEAD" with "The Hogfather is... GONE"? Especially in the tv adaptation of a book which directly ridicules the take-cruel-things-out-of-children's-stories-and-replace-them-with-candy-floss approach. It was nowhere near as tense. And it's not like kids wouldn't know everything will be back to normal in the end, because they do. And not like this film should be aimed at very little kids. This was way more annoying than Albert failing to light his damn fag for the umpteenth time (hitherto that was the only thing I found annoying in the film and I don't even get it, since Mr Gaiter is always seen smoking a cigar. It was only funny the first dozen times or so.)

discworld, random nonsense

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