OK, here comes another rushed review, now of
5x11 The Lodger
so I can quickly move on to yesterday's episode before my brain implodes. Sorry. This seems to be the cruel fate of Episodes Before the Mind-Blasting Episodes.
And also a result of my out-of-this-world procrastination, as I kept putting off writing about The Lodger for a week and then suddenly it was Who-Day.
Though I quite liked the episode. The Doctor was hilarious as he pretended to be human, and the bloody football stuff? I mean, I saw it coming sooner or later since Matt Smith used to be a professional (?) footballer. And right before the England-US match. I wish the national team contained the Doctor. Can someone become a British subject after he was banished by the Queen?
He was quite amazing trying to pretend to be human while being in constant connection with his time-travelling assistant in the TARDIS through an earpiece.
And I loved how he was talking to the cat! And the stupid headbutts, as opposed to Ten's overdramatic mindmelds.
Anyways, the episode was quite funny, which is great 'cause I don't like two saved-by-the-power-of-luv episodes being in the same series.
The big unanswered question is that of the origin of the ship. I mean, a TARDIS? Who the bloody hell built it? They must've been humanoids judging by the autopilot.
And if this entry had been written in time this would be the part where I go "The wedding ring! So what's the significance? Is Amy gonna remember Rory at last? Rory's gonna be bahahack.", I planned it, but it would be a pretension to go with this now.