(no subject)

Sep 20, 2007 13:56

Title: I Will See You in Far Off Places
Author: raedbard
Pairing: Toby, Huck, Molly
Rating: Hmm. Lite R, for violence and apocalypse-y things.
Word Count: c. 17, 200 words
Disclaimer: Not Sorkin, not Wells, not Cormac McCarthy. Don't sue?
Warnings/Timeline/Spoilers: AU, apocalypse 'verse obviously, I guess some degree of horror/about ten years after the end of the series - Huck and Molly are about fifteen/none whatsoever
A/N: I said I'd have a man vs. himself theme and I don't really know that I have made that work at all ...
Summary: This is a story where nothing exists, and it is the story of my father and my brother.

I Will See You in Far Off Places
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