Nov 14, 2004 00:47
I think I forgot how good an ambiguous movie can be. I went out for a nice afternoon by myself to the New Beverly and watched Harold and Maude and Being There. I had seen H & M before, but I didn't really remember how good it is. The song that's Maude's motto is my new theme, I've decided. It was so good to see something that wasn't cheesy or trying to be something incredible. It just showed life moving on, dealing with change.
Same with Being There. I didn't know anything about it, but I loved it. It was the weirdest thing ever--you kept waiting for someone to figure out what was going on with the main character, but no one ever did. Basically, it was about a guy who appeared to be retarded being confused for a really really intelligent man because his simplistic comments were masking inner depth. It was so interesting because everyone was being touched by what he said or was impacted and he had absolutely no idea what was actually going on. You couldn't even tell if he understood love or the feeling of missing someone when they died. But he was content and happy with what he knew.
Then I went with Krystel to see Kinsey, which is incredible and everyone should go see it. She and I got into an interesting debate about sex. It's a fantastic movie that makes you think. Even though as a society we're much more open with sex and it's exploited way too much in the media, there are still so many things that are taboo. This film makes you look at it and kind of wonder why. As Kinsey said at the end, you can't measure love, or explain it. But you can measure sex, and I think that says something about our society. Despite how much more open we are with sex, the most special, inexplicable phenomenon is the one that can make you feel the best or can hurt you the most. It's not the physical but the emotional. We have specific needs for sex, those are mechanical and are very scientific. Love, though, isn't. It makes you wonder why everyone searches for love, when the actual scientific formula is nonexistant, and it seems like we could search our whole lives with no answer. Our bodies were physically made for sex but not love. Love is just an instinct, something we believe we feel. But there can never be any actual proof of it, or proof that we need it. It all comes down to what you have faith in, I guess.