My new quest: free flat screen TV

Oct 27, 2004 14:50

Yeah, I know ya'll are sick of me. But, I'm waiting on the ipod still (damned apple and their slow ass shipping) and someone has recently told me about the same company's free flat screen thing, so now I'm trying for that.

collidgegraduit said he got his within a reasonable period of time. However, you need 8 referrals to pull this one off. So, I'm offering a plethora of things to people who sign up AND successfully complete an offer for me.
First, I'll give you a gmail invite. Everyone has those, and if you want one, it's yours. Second, I'll paypal you $10. That's $1 a minute for your time! I can bake cookies and brownies, and send them, and my baking isn't bad. I use pampared chef stoneware (last year's christmas and lemme tell you, brownies and cookies off those are heavenly! I know how to ship them so that they don't go stale either! I can do simple icons, they're not the best, and depending on the picture, some i've done have come out quite nice.
Sign up, complete an offer successfully, and then pick 2 rewards. Cool, huh?

Here's the link: clicky!!
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