Sometimes I get these ridiculous ideas in my mind. Sort of like I'm superwoman or something. My mom always tells me that I'm pretty ambitious. Well the (LONG) story goes a lil somethin like this...
So I'm sitting at my computer and Devan calls me, and she asks me to log into her email account and send her info in for the FOB video shoot that is apparently going down over the weekend in LA. So of course I do it and then she asks me if I sent in my own info. I said nah, because I was probably too late and there's no way in hell that I can get to LA this weekend on such sort notice. But I do it anyways, NOT expecting to get the email back saying that I have been accepted. The first thought that went through my mind was "dont even think about it erika" because I have this idea in my mind that if I really want to do something, I'm going to do what I need to make sure that it gets done. So I try to forget about it, and keep chatting away on the phone, but it's seriously lingering in the back of my mind and nagging at me like a dependent child. So I start browsing the internet and such, looking up roundtrip flights (which were $300 aka RIDICULOUS for just Los Angeles) and the bus routes were gonna have me getting there at like 11 pm at night, which was not going to work for me. (I know Jon and David, but Greyhound was my only other option, so I thought). So you'd think that would be the end of it!! Not.
I don't know who suggested it, or what, but I had completely forgotten to look up Amtrak, not even sure if there was an Amtrak station in Tucson. I guess we learn something new everyday, because there is clearly a station in 'downtown' Tucson that had a $38 one way trip to LA that left on Saturday night at 11:59. Also I could get a flight back for $150, so I would still be saving $100! Well I spent all of Saturday asking people for their opinions and soaking it all up, and finally decided around 6:30 or 7:00 that night that I was going through with it.
So fast forward getting through homework, packing, and getting dropped off at the Train Station. It's literally a scene out of like the 1930's or something. I felt like I had entered a new time and place. Even the PEOPLE in the train station looked like they didn't belong in the 21st century. It was bizarre. So there was this super annoying man putting in his 2 cents about every damn thing, so to drown him out, I was going to put in my headphones, but my ipod has other plans. I turn it on and start looking for the Chris Brown cd, and there's NO music on my ipod. No songs, music videos, samples, previews, NOTHING!!! The only thing on there is my pictures of Wenty. Not the best way to start off the trip. Anyway, I get on the train, plug in my phone and text people until I'm ready to pass out aroung 1:30, and just crash on and off until around 9:00 ish and arrive in LA at 10:10! My trusty right hand [wo]man Roxana picks me up from Union Station and we go hang out around the downtown areas.
Fast forward some more. We get to the American Apparel Warehouse, which is the site of the video shoot and literally wait ALL day. We got there at 3:30 and we kept hearing the time was getting push up more and more. But while waiting I did see Tyga!!! I really love him haha, I was so happy to meet him again.
So around 11:00 they start walking us over to the site, but then we stop and wait like 30 more minutes until they start taking people back by groups of 30 or 50. So FINALLY I AM THERE and we are standing in this stage area and the guys are out there, people are cheering and then security is bitching at everyone for trying to get too close but whatever haha. So the first run-through, everyone is seriously AMPED up so hard. Well we probably end up doing like 15 different takes, moving people around from different angles of the stage. It was a lot of fun. There were these 2 super tall black guys who were HILARIOUS. One guy was like "PETE I'M YOUR NUMBER 1 FAN! OVER HERE!" Everyone was crackin up. But they were cool, helping people get pictures, and trying to get the guys to pay attention to our side and talk with us. There were 4 areas of the stage were people were at, and I was moved around 3 times so I almost got to shoot from every side. The guys were a lot of fun. They were chattin it up with people, taking pictures, giving high fives, and they were all full of smiles, which made me happy.
YAY ME lol
So we finally finished up at about 2:15 and I was pretty much exhausted. Roxana drove around trying to find LAX while I passed out in the backseat of her car. She dropped me off there around 3:30. So I called my sister, because my original flight wasn't until 11:15 in the morning, and I just wanted to get the hell out of there and go sleep haha. So she changed my flight online to 7:05. To pass the time, I chatted with this really nice lady in the bathroom, read Rolling Stone magazine, and talked on the phone with my sister. It was finally 6 am so I started walking around to try to find something to eat and end up taking a small impromptu nap in the food court by California Pizza Kitchen aka NOT CUTE. So I just go sit up by my gate at 6:30 and start boarding the plane. There was like NOBODY on this plane. It was so empty. So I fall asleep before take off, momentarily wake up as the plane jolts forward, and then pass out again only to wake up to the flight attendant telling us to prepare for our descend into Tucson. AMEN AMEN AMEN. So I struggle to stay away for the next 10 minutes while landing. I head over to the shuttle place and pray that they will let me get on since my other reservation was for 12:45 and it was only 8:30 in the morning. They take me back to my dorm, I plug in my cell phone and pass the fuck out in my bed for the next 4 hours ahaha. I straight up skipped all but one class that day, when in reality I definitely could've gone to at least 3 of the 4. Oh well. Yesterday all I did was sleep when I could. I'm glad to be back in the groove of things, but this was one of the best experiences I've had and I'm so glad I decided to go through with it. There's pictures on my myspace if anyone wants to see. And if you read all of this, wow. LOL you are patient. <3 much lovee.