Feb 07, 2008 14:00
In case you have not heard the news, Mitt Romney has dropped out of the 2008 presidential race. I’m not going to lie, he was my candidate. I agreed with him on 95% of the issues. He appealed to me on the important issues of our time. I’ll keep my eye on him and see what he does in 2012.
I am not surprised by him dropping out. I had heard that he might and I knew that he might. Nothing has really surprised me in this campaign.
Now, I don’t have a candidate. McCain is NOT my candidate. The party may nominate him, but as of now I do NOT support him. He is NOT a conservative. He has 10 months to convince me to vote for him. I am not alone. The conservative movement isn’t happy about this and I understand why.
John McCain has been on the wrong side of many issues over the past 8 years. In my personal opinion, McCain felt betrayed after he lost the nomination in 2000. Prior to 2000, McCain was a consistent conservative. However, since 2000 he has stabbed republicans in the back one too many time.
-Voting against the 2001 and 2003 Bush Tax cuts and using class warfare rhetoric to justify it
-The McCain-Feingold bill that limits free speech
-The McCain-Kennedy bill that would have given amnesty to the 20 million illegal’s living in the country
-Wanting to close down Guantanamo
-Considering Justice Alito “too conservative”
-Opposing water boarding terrorists
-Buying into the Global Warming hysteria
-Favoring federal funded Stem Cell Research
-Opposing a constitutional amendment that protects life
-Opposing the federal marriage amendment
McCain has got his work cut out for him if he wants conservatives to back him.
Make no mistake, when it comes time for the Democratic Convention, the entire party will be united behind the Clinton/Obama ticket. If the republicans are divided, we will fall.
As of right now, our choices for President are McCain, Clinton, and Obama. Looks like no matter who wins, America will be the loser.
Until next time…