We just took a flying leap

Oct 02, 2004 07:52

Todd and I and all the other Wisconsinites have just taken a flying leap into late fall. Everything was frozen this morning, windows, peoples car doors, etc. Burr burr burr. So I have to update a lot of stuff so bear with me...

Job stuff...
I love my job! The people I work with are incredible...I finally start on my own on Monday. I can't wait. I will be handling all of the overflow calls for when dispatchers are on the phone with their techs and centers. When I begin to feel more comfortable with the systems and stuff, I will get a conference call with my ROM's and centers and start all on my own! Let me tell you I have to learn a whole new language. Everything has an acronym and everything has an abrieviation. Ahhh. I have to learn how to speak, write, type all over again. But it's fun. So we'll see how it goes.

Church stuff...
I am now a catechist for the eighth grade class. I start on Sunday. I have 14 students and I can't wait. I had a meeting with Shelly (the woman at the church who does all the children stuff). She gave me all kinds of information and booklets and stuff. My room is so cute too. So wish me luck.

Cop stuff...
This stems from the story above. Like I said, I had a meeting right after work yesterday with Shelly. I got off work yesterday and it was raining. I was running late because I had stayed a little later at work. The light turned yellow and I made a split second decision and decided that I didn't want to go skidding into the intersection, so I went. Right before I got through the intersection, the light turned red. And THAT my friends, is when I saw the cop. He followed me for a little bit and after the next light, he pulled me over. (Again, I'm running even more late now) So he came up to the window and I was a good little citizen and had my license and insurance ready by the time he got there.

(Now keep in mind, in Illinois, the cop needs to have the proof of insurance during a stop. In Wisconsin, however, they don't require drivers to carry insurance. Which is why you end of paying for all the damage if you get in an accident. You don't have to pay for anything if you don't have insurance)

Now that that soapbox is done...
So the nice little cop, took my license and told me he didn't need the insurance. Then he told me that he stopped me because I ran the red light. He asked me why I did it. I explained my reasoning. He then asked me if the address on the license was correct. I took a minute to think about it and told him no. Gave him my correct address and he started to go back to his car and stopped, turned around and asked me if I knew my plates were expired. (By one freaking day!) I told him that I hadn't realized it was the first of the month.

Now, you're thinking, that's three tickets!!! AHHHH! So I sat and waited for him to return with the three tickets. He came back to the car and explained to me that he was not going to give me a ticket for the light. He was going to give me two ordinance violation tickets for the license and license plate. He explained that I would not be charged for either if I got them taken care of in 10 days. That was nice of him wasn't it. This just means I have to get to the DMV and get these things fixed. That may mean I have to take time off my brand new job to go and take care of it. I just have to find out how late the DMV is open now. So that was my fun experience yesterday.

Okay, so that was a long one, hey? I promise to update about my job after monday. Love you all, Sarah
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