Uh, yeah, I know I haven't updated this in awhile. I was going to update Thursday, but LJ was being a jerk and I finally gave up.
Well, I'm over at Tanomi's now, helping him get settled in. The first thing we did was level some of this... land to have a nice surface to put up the house. It seems he has a lot of land now, and when I first heard how much he was paying, I thought he got a hell of a deal. But now that I see it, I have to wonder who got the better end of this deal. It's like... nothing. Some hills, some rocks, and a lot of brown dirt.
But he says he'll work with it.
I got him a housewarming present yesterday. A pink flamingo for his yard. But this is no ordinary pink flamingo, this flamingo lights up. I mean, how can you possibly call it a home until you have a pink flamingo in the yard, right?
I half expect it to be returned to me, re-wrapped, for some occation.
Speaking of gifts, I know I was late in giving Piper one of her Christmas gifts, college classes, but I swear, I made arrangements before Christmas, they just were lazy in getting the certificate to me. I'm kinda glad though, cause it was neat being able to give her something later, when she wasn't expecting it. I still don't know what classes she wants to take.
It's a pretty good crowd here to help move. Now that the house is situated, we're unpacking boxes of stuff and putting it away. I've also got the extra duty of keeping an eye on the box of goodies my mother brought, and making sure
certain people don't take them all before anyone else gets a chance. It's not an easy job, because it seems a
certain someone is hungry and keep slinking in here like no one is going to see him. But I have promised to defend this box with my very life if need be, and I accept the challenge!