Oct 19, 2005 18:27
i just fell up the stairs and split most of a good cup of tea all over everything. and all my dearest mum could say was "you've made a mess haven't you?" then added "are you hurt?" nice to know the house comes over my pain.
today was a bit of une poubelle on account that we had a big arguement in our council meeting, and that rob's useless. as for the rest of the day, economics was okay, maths got cancelled, pastoral was okay, Mrs Hard. Man. made me a cup of tea - which was oh so appriciated, and we sat writing my reference, psycho was okay, french sucked. i hate la pollution as much as i hate l'enchauffement de terre. go die french. tutoring later. not in the mood. bah. people.
the world imploded, inflated, then demoted all my oxygen to produce gas and suffocated my last chance...