(OOC: This post is IC, and will be updated with all the stuff that happens to Miku in this game -- though it's not a post to the network, think of it as a post with a little eye next to it. It's mostly a reference for myself, but if anyone else thinks it's interesting, I'll be really happy. I'd LOVE to see other people do these! Like
de_bel_survivor 's at
this place, theirs is great. Note: Underlines reserved for stuff that's rather behind the scenes or handwaving.)
Well, after my birthday (
ctrl+f excitement) I woke up in Carriero and thought it was one of Crypton's labs, since they look kind of the same and it wouldn't be that unusal to wake up in one, since it might have been an annual upgrade or something.
But then it turned out it wasn't one and I was, uh, somewhere else or something, that's not really clear yet, so I sat outside of my room and sang the CM sized version of
Starduster to see who would show up. There I met Takeshi Yamamoto (the guy with the room next to mine) and Kouki Wakahisa, both of whom figured out that I'm a robot but are really cool guys even though they seem to have a lot of issues (they aren't real guns, right?); Ashura, a lovely little girl with pointed ears who really shouldn't be alone in a place like this, so I played "find the hairclip with her"; Lovino Vargas, a handsome man who works for the government and likes my -- singing... a lot...; and Darc.
And then there was an alarm that deafens humans, I guess, and I went and got Takeshi to help me find Ashura and get her to the gym, where it was quiet. So then we had to give our names and were there for 24 hours, but that was about it. Nothing too interesting happened to me there.
After that was the worst thing that's happened so far -- the flood! I'm not exactly waterproof, but to my great suprise Ashura was able to take care of herself with... fire powers? ...oh, goodness. I'm really worried about Ashura. She's so sweet, but I'm not sure how well she can cope with this place. I need to play another game with her some time, become someone she can trust. Vargas suggested to me that I go to hide on the racks on top of the library, but I couldn't find one on the map. He's interesting and I love his flattery, but he also intimidates me sometimes. (And he doesn't seem to do the whole "crazy weird stuff" thing very well, but that's another story and it's not too important.)
Wakahisa managed to organize a gathering on the third floor, where I met Gokudera and Katara. (Oh, gosh, finally a girl around my age.) At first her ability to control water terrified me, but anything that delayed the inevitable flood was fine in my book. At the meeting I proposed we look for a hidden server room, so we went out into the chapel to look. Gokudera and Darc went one way, me and Wakahisa went the other.
And then the water, as was inevitable, reached its height, and -- nothing. All of a sudden I had gills, which were somehow stopping the water from short circuiting me. But there was a key problem - they didn't make air bubbles when I talked. I lay pretty low during those couple days.
All of a sudden people found some possessions of theirs again; I found a baseball bat that I think was Yamamoto's, but he decided to let me keep it because he already got one of his kendo swords. (And then he got his box animals, but that's another story.) After that I heard an explosion and ran to its source -- the gym. Gokudera had some explosives and he was trying to blow up the walls. So I decided to tag along and help him with that.
And then the next day we woke up and... everything was just crazy. The walls had fallen down and we went outside and there were orcs and my only weapon was that baseball bat, so it turned out that Wakahisa and I went and found this boy under a bridge who told us to go destroy this ring. By the time we got back it turned out Katara and this other guy Fuji had been kidnapped, and we were developing this plan to save them, and possibly find a ring, and we were going to go do it the next day or so... But then we woke up.
There were about twenty-four hours after that where we were all blind, I think. Although at first our theory was that there had been a huge blackout, and our communicators just happened to be unlit. But then we kind of figured out it wasn't. Also everyone's weapons were now gone, unfortunately. And some really annoying geese were around.
The geese thing only got worse after we could see again -- now we were all six inches tall. It was... really bad, I'll be honest with you. Everyone else was seriously starving.
Eventually we were tall again. And the cafeteria's menu dramatically improved. I had some really bad sloppy joes because I was trying to convince Gokudera I wasn't a spy, but then I showed him I was a robot and that really helped us hit it off. Unfortunately, right after that there was this life-size game of Tetris. Yamamoto and I worked together on it, and then I went and ran into Vargas and he was stuck. I helped him out and got my slippers back (...yeah, I kind of ran away in nothing but my uniform nightgown, that's a weird story). But the tetris game is pretty fun, all things considered. Shortly after I met Nico Robin, a woman from a different world kind of in the past. That night I had
this weird dream... really weird dream... Don't remember much of it. Woke up feeling better but not.
After that it was suddenly Christmastime. And I gave Wakahisa a kiss on the cheek because it was part of another puzzle. None of us ever really figured it out, though...
Also? Suddenly a zillion new people showing up. ...including "Russia" and "Poland". I mean, what's even up with them? It's bad enough that they're some of the ones from the past, but they also, you know, claim to be countries. They're crazy and I do not know what to do about Russia's request to be on the welcoming committee. (At least Yamamoto, Gokudera, and Wakahisa are on it. That should be fun.) At some point I need to meet him and teach him about technology...
Nico Robin and Felicia and some other girl whose name I haven't gotten are new here, too. They're all from different worlds and pretty out of their element. I've been doing my best to help them. And then Mr. Beilschmidt showed up as well. He's a very nice man, I made some wreaths with him to decorate the place, it's kind of neat. Apparently he's the general of the Prussian army or something important because he knew the queen and everything. I don't really know what Prussia is, to be honest. It's in Europe somewhere, right? There's not really a way to ask him without being awkward, though....
And then after that another exciting thing happened! We got powers distributed and apparently it's some kind of test and that has me worried because we might fail again but -- not the important thing! The important thing is that now our lives have this soundtrack and maybe it's kind of creepy but it's music and it's coming from Wakahisa and this makes me so happy I could just throw myself out of a window! I mean it! And the test is going along really well, I think we might actually pass it this time, but they'll probably call us out on a technicality or something.
We made it through the test! Gosh, my megaphone is awesome. I can't believe we passed, but I guess it is easier ... and there was that doctor to help us. Kind of. Not really.
I'm on an island. Well, first we were on a ship and I met the Nurse and then we crashed on an island and the boys were on the ship somehow and Mikuo is here, I don't really get that part? He's been here this entire time except not? And it's the same for everyone, even this pretty new Megumi Wakahisa who claims to be my... cousin? I'm not going to touch that.
Oh, and now it turns out that Vargas and Mr. Beilschmidt are country people too. Vargas is South Italy and Mr. Beilschmidt is... Prussia. (Thank god I didn't tell him I didn't know what that country was! Ahahahaha.) It's probably a good thing that I didn't tell him I still don't know where his country is because, yeah, it would be... I think I kind of understand it now, but I still can't bring myself to talk to Vargas about it yet. I shouldn't even be calling him that anymore -- I don't even know, I don't even know! It's all crazy and they're so clueless and how do they expect me to--
And suddenly there was a party going on. I... didn't really want to be in it, though, didn't want Vargas anyone to ask me to dance except maybe Wakahisa was outside so we went exploring. Found a smoking man. It was... strange.
Gokudera and I had a talk on the beach. It turns out that... he's part of the mafia. I--oh, god, Yamamoto wasn't lying and - and he's probably gone and--
We're back home
...we came back to the asylum. Of course. I shouldn't have expected anything more than that, huh? But they took away all the food and Vargas didn't notice that I was completely fine so I told him I didn't have to eat and stopped synthesizing and -- oh, I just can't stand him! I can't I can't I can't I can't!
So they starved us again. Big surprise, huh... I tried to start up the Welcome Committee again but that didn't really work. The Medic (...I still kind of think of the Nurse when I see him) offered to eat people. What kind of doctor is THAT?
They brought in Luka.
I wasn't sure how to feel. Her presence improved and worsened everything ever at the same time.
She fit in really well, at least. But I had to explain things a lot. And there was another test - all this gravity and stuff and so I got hurt all over the place. Looked kind of like Rolling Girl. And afterwards when I found out we'd failed again, failed again, I felt like Rolling Girl. They even did it by making the place all monochrome looking. I was almost going to roll down all the stairs just to -- why does Rolling Girl do the things she does anyway? Hurting herself if Akiakane's PV is anything to go by. That's stupid. But I felt like it... and then before I got around to it things were in color again. Heh.
I tried to tell Ashura. About, you know, what I am. It's so weird, keeping things a secret all the time! I just hate it so much! I'm not trying to save the world or immortal or a murderer or anything like everyone else here seems like! I'm just a robot diva whose life was perfect before... I'd give anything to get in a fight with Meiko about groceries again. Or tug on Rin's hairbow. Or tease Len about being a shota. Anything. I never had any secrets back then. But here I'm always not sure who to tell what or why, and...
Anyway, Ashura didn't really get it. I guess it's for the best.