I haven't written on Triond for a while. It's fun, but only when you have something to really say. Or, uh, at least for me. I write these monstrous articles that are probably three or four pages on Word, whereas most people write a few paragraphs and call it an article. Well, for a while I didn't have any reason to write.
Then I decided to search for agnostic groups in my area. Where I live, there is a general nonbeliever group that has smaller member branches. You have branches for atheists, brances for agnostics, I'm pretty sure a branch for humanists, and there's at least one "fun" group (a nonbeliever book club). Actually sounded promising. Here's the problem. All the groups say they are open-minded and welcome new members, but only if you don't believe in the supernatural. This made me think (you know, after it made me rage). See, I believe the supernatural has absolutely nothing to do with religion. It is interesting when it crosses (religious person sees a demon, for example). However, I think they're two separate things, and you can believe in the supernatural without believing in a god. So anyway, the groups didn't pan out and if I want to meet other people who really are more open-minded, I'll have to start my own group.
So that was part of the drive for finishing this article. Initially, the article was called "Why I'm an Agnostic". But of course the group issue came up. Also, on another LJ community there was a post about other nonbelievers who did believe in the supernatural and I realized "Hey, this isn't so weird a belief after all."
So, the article is
Why I'm an Agnostic That Believes in The Supernatural and it's good. I'm biased because I wrote it and I spent some time on it, but I'm thinking and hoping it's eye opening.