My First Birther and a Rant on Politics

Mar 23, 2010 12:13

Today on Twitter I encountered my first-ever birther (in internet life).  Other people on LJ talk about "My friend/relative is a birther!" or "This person on Facebook posted all this birther garbage.  Wannt to see?"  I never had an encounter with a birther before and actually, I was a little jealous.  I wanted a chance to say "Well, you know what?"

Today I got it.

This guy who follows me on Twitter for some reason is a birther.  I knew he was a Republican, pretty sure he was a tea party guy, and now he's also a birther.  Today he was talking about how the FBI should look into Obama's birth certificate because "He faked it" and we should "clear up this mess".

Please keep in mind, I am no longer a fan of the President.  The moment he went anti-choice by agreeing to solidy the no abortion funding thing (because there was already something saying there was no abortion funding anyway, and he made it much stronger) I was like "No.  Unless you are running against someone like Palin, I wil not be voting for you.  I only vote for pro-choice candidates."  So, he has alienated me.

This brings me back to what I wrote to the birther.

I said, "Maybe because it's a real birth certificate?  Birthers are crazy.  I don't like him *Obama, but I was running out of characters*, but..."  I know I trailed off, but I said my piece.  Birthers are crazy.  End of.

In very related news, I tweeted about how I really dislike Republicans and the misinformation they spread about the President and how I really don't like the President either, for being so anti-choice.  And I ended that (long, connected tweet) with "God I hate politics!"

Seriously, the state of politics is a mess.  You have Democrats compromising their values to get things passed.  You have Republicans saying "No!  No!  No!" like babies and then wondering why nobody asks them to join them in policymaking.  You have the birthers screaming "He's not even a US citizen!" and passing along very false information.  You have the Tea Party crowd being all unsure how to even be a legit party other than "We hate the President and anyone who isn't white!" and that's not even a good political party platform.  Everyone else is being apathetic, like who cares what happens as long as something happens.  Sometimes I think they may have the best idea of everyone because it's so exhausting to be this mad all the time

politics, republicans, rage, birther, rant, tea party, birthers, democrats, some people

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