Mar 13, 2010 12:12
If you want to know something that really sets me off, it's fanfiction communities. More specifically, fanfiction communities where people rant about how bad other fanfiction writers are writing. I'm thinking of a specific community here. In theory it's a good idea to have a community like this, because you are going to come across some bad writing. I wish they had a community like this for bad original fiction, for the same reason.
I'm ranting about certain people who rant about other people. It's one thing to say "Your fanfiction needs work. Here's what you should do." You (the fanfic writer) are not under any obligation to make all the changes, but it's a legit way for your readers to suggest stuff. It is also legit to post this to the fanfiction community as long as it's to help others not make similar mistakes (if they choose to follow your advice). It's another thing to say "Your fanfiction is garbage!" and then rant, rant, rant about it in said community under the impression that it's a rant community so you have a safe space. Granted, in this community, if you're ranting about the three things you're allowed to rant about (breaking canon, not warning for squicks, bad spelling) everyone will say "You are so right the fanfic writer is terrible." That is another thing I hate about said community, which actually ties well into this rant.
Okay, where to go from here? See, you (ranter this time) are allowed to have your opinion. I do not appreciate it when you say "The fanfiction writer can't write, is garbage, is doing it wrong, and is a bad person." Again, as long as you're talking about the three allowed rants, everyone will support you and those that don't, everyone jumps on. Which is also wrong. But the point is, no. Being unreasonably nasty for something you're probably doing just as wrong (for example, telling a fanfic writer they can't spell when every one of your sentences has a glaring misspelling) is disgusting. In fact, I think this particular community is really about "I pretend like I know better than all these dumb fanfic writers when I just make the same mistakes and want to cover my butt because god forbid I admit I'm not perfect either." There, I said it.
some people