(no subject)

Nov 27, 2005 22:53

omg The weather man said its going to snow this week. omg omg omg omg. : )

1. What is your current ringtone? The final countdown.
2. What is your current wallpaper? A picture of Zack
3. Do you own a picture phone? Yes.
4. If so, what was the last picture you took? My brother
5. Go to your text message inbox and type what the 10th message from the top say? "I'm going to kill you"
6. How many contacts do you have on your phone? 39
7. Go to your missed calls... who was the last missed call? Zack
8. Who was the last person you spoke to on your cell phone? Zack
9. What service do you have? T-Mobile
10. At this very moment, how many bars do you have for your service? 5
11. Who's on your speed dial number 5? No one
12. Do you have voicemail? Yes
13. How many contacts that start with the letter D do you have: 2
14. Who do you call the most? Zack
15. How many text messages do you get a month? Not many
17. What are the last 4 digits to your number? 7116
18. Go to your sent texts, what does the eighth one say? "Who are you??"
19. What about the 15th? I havent sent 15 texts
20. Who's the last person that you called? My mom
22. Last person that texted you? Some hoe from work
23. Last person you added to your contacts? jeffs new cell phone number
24. How many minutes are on your plan? 1000
25. Do you like your phone? No
26. Wanna give out your number? No thanks

-section 1- have you ever:

1. Cheated on someone?: no
2. Fallen off the bed?: yeah
3. Broken someone's heart? no
4. Had your heart broken?: no
5. Had a dream come true?: yes
6. Done something you regret?: yes
7. Cheated on a test?: yes

-section 2- currently:

1. Wearing? Work clothes :/
2. Like anyone?: yeppers
3. Located?: Attic
4. Chatting with?: No one.
5. Watching?: Nothing
6. What should you REALLY be doing?: sleeping
7. Brush your teeth?: Yes?
8. Have any piercings? 4...5 soon :)
9. Drive?: Yes
10. Drink? Nah
11. Smoke? Nope

-section 3- the last person you:

1. Hugged?: My brother
2. Kissed?: Zack
3. IMed?: Morgan
4. Talked on the phone to?: Didnt I anwser this? Zack
5. Yelled at?: Some chick at work :p

-section 4- personal:

1. What do you want to be when you finish school?: The marketing executive for Nordstrom please.
2. What has been the best day of your life?: No idea.
3. What comes first in your life?: zack, school, work
4. What are you most scared of?: death and anything that could lead to it.
5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? everything. It prevents me from sleeping.
6. Did you lose someone you really loved? Yes.
7. Love your family?: yep

-section 5- favorite:

1. Movie: See my myspace. I can't remember.
2. Song: wayyy to hard
3. Band: depeche mode
4. Store: Store? Like a grocery store?
5. Clothing Store: Nordstrom, The gap, Urban outfitters, target
6. Sport: football is aight
7. Ice Cream Flavor: white chocolate raspberry with chocolate truffles
8. Fruit: strawberries, raspberries
9. Candy: I don't like too much candy.
10. Day of the Week: Friday.
11. Color: Red

-section 6- do you:

1. Like to give hugs?: yes
2. Like to walk in the rain?: Yes, while listening to Nirvana and cutting my wrist. KURT LIVES FOREVER! I do like the rain though.
3. Prefer black or blue pens?: Black
4. Like to travel?: yes
5. Sleep on your side?: Yes
6. Have a goldfish?: No
7. Ever have the falling dream?: Yes
8. Have stuffed animals? yes

-section 7- this or that:

1. Pierced nose or tongue?: Tongue
2. MTV or BET?: MTV
3. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: 7th heaven.
4. Sugar or salt?: sugar
5. Silver or gold?: silver.
6. Chocolate or flowers?: both
7. Color or Black-and-white photos?: Both.
8. M&Ms or Skittles?: skittles
9. Stay up late or sleep in?: Both
10. Hot or cold?: Hot
11. Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup.
12. Spring or Fall?: winter
13. Happy or sad?: happy.
14. Wonder or amazement? amazement.
15. Mexican or Italian food: italian.
16. Candy or Soda?: soda.


- Current Clothes: Work clothes
- Current Mood: Tired
- Current Music: Nothing.
- Current Taste: Nothing.
- Current Make-up: none ew
- Current Hair: needs to be washed
- Current Smell: eww burgers on my work clothes
- Current thing I ought to be doing: sleeping
- Current Desktop Picture: my brother in Europe
- Current CD in CD Player: Are c.d players still around?
- Current tape in VCR: My big fat greek wedding
- Current Color Of Toenails: Red
- Current Refreshment: rootbeer
- Current Worry: It's not going to snow
- You Touched: Keyboard
- You Talked to: My parents
- Foods: chicken
- Drink: Coke
- Color: Red
- Album: No idea
- Shoes: My rain boots
- Candy: starburst
- Animal: pugs
- TV Show: antm, CSI, sex and the city
- Song: no idea
- Vegetable: mashed potatoes with butter and garlic (stupid applebees)
- Cartoon: family guy
- Understanding: usually
- Open-minded: yes
- Arrogant: somtimes
- Insecure: Yes
- Interesting: Ha I try to be
- Easily Amused: Yes
- Random: Yes
- Hungry: No
- Friendly: depends.
- Smart: a little
- Moody: sometimes
- Childish: Yes
- Healthy: No
- Shy: Yes
- Difficult: yes
- Bored Easily: Yes
- Messy: yes
- Thirsty: yeah
- Responsible: No
- Obsessed: No
- Angry: No
- Sad: No
- Happy: yes
- Hyper: no
- Trusting: yes
- Talkative: very

- Kill : No one.
- Slap: No one.
- Get High With: No one
- Tickle: No one.
- Look Like: ME
- Talk To Online: No one

- Been kissed? yeah
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos? No
- Been on stage? Yes
- Dumped Someone? No
- Gotten in a car accident? No.
- Been in love? Yes.
-Shampoo? Herbal essensesfsfsfs
-Toothpaste? crest
-Soap? victoria secret love spell stuff
-Room in your house? my room
-Instrument? piano.
-Coffee or hot chocolate? white chocolate mochas with peppermint
-New or old? both
-Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? ha they are both kind of icky right now
-Vogue or Cosmopolitan? vogue for clothes/fashion. cosmo for intesting articles
-Jeans or cords? jeans
-Sweater or sweatshirt? both
-T-shirt or tank top? tshirt
-Skirt or dress? skirts
-Wool or cotton? cotton
-Rose or Lily? lily
-Oldies or pop? depends
-Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
-Do you have a best friend? yeah
- Cried? no
- Helped someone? you could say
- Bought something? yes
- Gotten sick? no
- Gone to the movies? no
- Gone out for dinner? Yep. applebees
- Said "I love you"? yes
- Written a real letter? no
- Moved on? no
- Talked to an ex? no
- Missed an ex? no
- Talked to someone you have a crush on? no
- Had a serious talk? yes
- Missed someone? yeah
- Hugged someone? yeah
- Fought with your parents? yeah
- Fought with a friend? no
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