Once again, somebody was up to no good.

Apr 13, 2009 21:52

To say this year is flying by quickly would be an understatement.

Last Thursday marked my “Prodigal Daughter” return to higher education. The band new Des Moines Social Club is offering classes, and I am on the roster for the Film and Video course. Our first session was more or less the standard introductions-and-syllabus faire, but was still very informative and fun. I absolutely love my fellow classmates, and the instructor is tops. I have my first assignment due next Thursday. You know my “experimental” filmmaking will be the most epic thing  to happen to YouTube in the span of its existence. You’ve been informed..

Following the class, I met up with an eclectic group of individuals (most from the land of Twitter) at the Royal Mile. After a  couple of drinks there, Erin and I made our way over to the Lift. The remainder of the Twitter group expressed their displeasure at my lameness by not following us over. Erin and I managed to have a nice time, watching the various people in various states of intoxication. It was a fairly packed joint by that time, and a random girl ended up buying our first drinks….whether she knows it or not. I am assuming she knew since she asked how I was enjoying my Café Lift (a coffee-flavored martini) when she left.  We left after being there for an hour or so and after making small talk with an impressive amount of strangers. Despite having to get up early the following morning to work a local school, it was a fantastic evening out.

The eventfulness continued the next day when I received a phone call from the casting people for the remake of The Crazies. The flick is shooting locally and I went to the open casting call for extras a few weeks. I was definitely surprised when got a call on my way from improv rehearsal Friday night., asking me if I was available and interested to shoot a couple of scenes later this week. It will definitely be an exciting time.

Outside of those happenings, I cannot confess that my weekend (or life, for that matter) has been eventful outside of work-related business and rehearsal.  No dates or male drama to report, as I have successfully been keeping that at bay.  No intense familial drama either. Knock on wood, but I seem to be on the right track. Ha!

weekend, friends

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