cooking misadventures

Nov 19, 2009 22:00

My hands were itching to try out and cook today because I am terribly SICK of eating at the food court downstairs. I thought that I might as well give it a try today since I finished work on time for once and I went to a mall with Cold Storage earlier on, so I bought those instant pasta thingies.

LOLLL omg I feel like such a dumbass because a lot of mishaps happened, like me not caring to measure the milk and thus my pasta overboiled and overflowed! What a mess to clean, sigh. So in short I took one hour to cook pasta which should have taken 7 minutes to cook. lol sob I know, feel free to laugh at me because I still feel very dumb.

See that yellow ring? That's some of the sauce that overflowed loooollllllll
The overflowing was also caused by me not knowing how to adjust the fire volume with the stove in the house, so yeah... LOLLLLL FAIL COOKING IS FAILLLLL

If you're wondering what those red things are, they're apples. Didn't want to eat it plain; had no veggies on hand and therefore I chopped up the apples I bought yesterday. lol

oh well at least it's edible, and there was a lot so I kept some to be my dinner for another day. LOLL FAILLLLLLLL

fail, lion city adventures

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