I'm this close to finishing up Raidou, but I think I'll save that for Sunday since I have this MASSIVE headache and I can't stand playing in my insanely hot living room anymore. More thoughts on my progress so far below the cut!
Goodbye Gotou, you will be missed. ): And now that we know he's not exactly a real cat but some other form (ughhhh stop thinking about Shroedinger from DDS will you), I really wonder what it is. I hope they'll reveal it or drop a hint when the ending comes around? ): I felt so sad for Raidou when I saw him tip down his hat when the rocket exploded...
And it feels even sadder to run around the capital all alone! ))))))):
While it IS comforting to have Gotou's voice randomly pop out here and there, but STILL.
Anyways, the closest form of expression I've ever seen on Raidou's face was when the rocket went bye-bye. He wasn't so shocked when the giant Gundam Soulless God crashed into half of Harumi-cho, nor was he as OMGWTFBBQ as Narumi when he saw Kaya emerge from the see with Gundam v2... goodness Raidou you're either one tough cookie or you're just like every other Megaten protagonist who is all :| most of the time. lol
Oh, and the Akarana Corridor? Is SO MILD compared to the asdasopdjaspdsd Tower of Kagutsuchi and the Obelisk in Nocturne. :OO I'll take this dungeon anyday, the portals are NOTHING man, NOTHING. Also I really want to thank
ultra_butterfly for the Hitokonusi + Raging Blast tip, it's really saving my ass in this place. Along with Muspell, Yoshitsune-kun and Okuninushi-kun. XDDD I saved at the save point in 2040, and I'm really wondering what's up in store for me later on... :OOOOOOO