[Okami] it's a driving force that calls me

Apr 17, 2007 02:25

Certain tracks (namely Kaguya's theme and the Cursed Shinsuu Field BGM) in the Okami OST is currently giving me this feeling of a strange nostalgia and deja vu that just feels so different this time. It's a very, very strange and indescribable feeling. Anyway, I left off at the Sunken Ship, and played until the beginning of the Northern Ryoshima Plains.

Alright, I'm a wuss when it comes to spooky crap. Finished off the sunken ship dungeon as fast as I could, and then later on the massive Water Dragon comes to eat us. WTF. Getting chased by a dragon is scary yet... awesome. More stuff happens back at Sei-an City, and you shrink into Issun's size upon using the mallet. GOSH, I DIDN'T KNOW ISSUN LOOKED SO DAMNED COOL UP CLOSE. I'm loving the little bugfella by the day now. <3

The world from Issun's point of view surely is interesting, and more dangerous, heh. Can't remember the many times I got stomped by that palace guard. Did the usual thing of leaping before thinking, right into the Emperor's mouth (eewwwwwwwwwwww) and beating Blight. After the Emperor regains consciousness, you make him release Kaguya and off she goes to Sasa Sanctuary. I love Kaguya's design, yes, even with her amusing bamboo obi.

Restoring Sei-an City was a big pain in the ass, but you really HAD to earn your praise this time. I think the most difficult task was definitely ferrying the people across the canals, boy, did I suck so badly at that. D; Oh, and I found Waka's fanboys and secret HQ! Poor, poor Abe. I'd like to help him out, but I lack any form of lightning attack at the moment. After restoring, it's off to Sasa Sanctuary we go.

At the bamboo thicket, you see Kaguya and Mr.Bamboo have a touching reunion, and then a sad farewell. Wonder where's Kaguya heading to on that huge metal bamboo rocket... She's a really mysterious one, but something about her intrigues me. Namely her eyebrows and hair colour--- they're almost the same as Waka's. Hmmm. Anyway, during that whole scene, I had to refrain from tearing as it was pretty touching. Poor Mr.Bamboo...

Back at Sei-an City, we FINALLY storm into Himiko's palace and WTF, WHY IS THERE LAVA IN THE MIDDLE OF HER TOWER WTF WTF WTF. That aside, Himiko reveals herself and more stuff gets explained, and now we're supposed to go and calm that Water Dragon. There is no such thing as rest in the day of Amaterasu and Issun, hahaha. I gotta admit, I'd love to cosplay as Himiko but then that crazy fire crown of hers is just impossible to do without burning your entire head into a crisp.

Crossing the border at the Northern Ryoshima Plains check point, you come across Waka. ♥ ♥ Only that this time he isn't there to fight you, nor give you a prophecy, but tells Ammy and Issun of a wandering artist who stole a painting and can't paint to save his life. This leaves Issun fuming his little head off, and Waka says that he must've hit a wrong nerve. Hrrrmmmmmm. Wonder what's gonna happen next...

I also forgot to mention; fishing with Benkei is really amusing. Yosha~

*gives a hug to carneaglariel*

I'll get started on the bookmarks tomorrow. Thanks everyone for your help! 8DDDD Those were some awesome suggestions yo.


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