No, I am not biased. I think SuiV just topped everything else and is probably my most favourite Suiko game now. I loved every minute of it and I loved all the cutscenes, and I think the ending ties up everything nicely.
Final Boss Party: Yuki / Kyle / Richard / Lyon / Miakis / Zerase
-- final dungeon party:
Yuki: Yuki / Richard / Kyle / Cathari / Roy / Miakis
Lyon : Lyon / Belcoot / Zerase / Bernadette / Nelis / Yahr
Zweig: Georg / Zweig / Lorelai / Jeanne / Sharmista / Rahal
Army: Nightshade / Castle: Eridanus
Playtime: 84+ hours
Actually, you can just skip this block of white text OR highlight it if you want to read! :D
Lyon duels with Dolph, but omfg no Mr. Superman still stands after she's beaten him. Just as he was about to attack again, the Prince instinctively pushes Lyon aside (after he's almost lost her once) and uses his Dawn Rune to get rid of Dolph, once and for all. You also learn that it was actually Dolphy-kun who killed Marscal Godwin's wife, but yet they took him in.
In the inner chamber, Marscal reveals that he actually didn't want to flood Falena as he loves it a lot as well, and goes on about how everyone wanted to change Falena and make it perfect in 'their' eyes and that he was intoxicated a little by the Sun Rune... uh yeah whatever WTF your babbling wasn't really needed, old man. Then you go into battle with him. OMFG Kyle and Richard kept dying and I never brought in any Sacrificial Jizos x__X; Luckily, when Lyon, the Prince and Zerase were the last men standing, the Sun Rune incarnation died by Lyon and the Prince's Co-Op attack. PHEW.
After the battle, suddenly Lyon weakens and... dies. Oh my GOD I wanted to give either both of them a hug. Seeing the Prince's :O then ;_; expression was like.. whoah. The 'To the End of the Woven Tale of the 108 Stars' track plays here and it suits the entire cutscene well. Suddenly, the screen changes and you see Lyon's spirit hovering near the Prince and her now dead body, then it seems that she's saying somethings and waves to him, then bows and walks away. Cue our Prince running after her but trips and falls face flat, only to be helped up by a familiar sleeve... It's Arshtat's sleeve! He then sees everyone's smiling faces around him. Arshtat's, Ferid's, Sialeeds... then Gizel appears next to Sialeeds (and am I weird for finding that smiling!Gizel looks really good with Sialeeds by his side?), then Marscal behind him along with Generals Bahram and Luger... then Zahak and Alenia. They're all smiling. Seriously, I think I just kinda lost all my hatred for all of them villians. @_@
I think the Prince then asks his mother about Lyon or anything, because he had his look on him that demands to know something... then he gets hugged by Arshtat and the whole scene was so touching ;_; Soon, they disappear and a ball of light engulfs Lyon... and she's revived! :D (somehow the whole thing seemed rather Gremio-ish)
Leknaat appears and explains why she's brought back to life, as the Sun Rune not only destroys but is also another symbol of mercy and something like that, and that Lyon and the Prince have totally changed its destiny. Back at the Sun Palace, things seem a little busy. Oh yes, I chose to stay behind and help Lym with restoring Falena... TAKE CARE GEORG T^T OH OH OH. AND I WENT ZOMGBBQ WHEN THE PRINCE CUT HIS HAIIIIR OMG. He still looks good, nevertheless. Also, his Commander's outfit ROCKS. It's like a cross in between Ferid's and Georg's outfit. Lyon looks so good in her Queen's Knight's outfit too. I think they held hands, too. AAARRRRR SO SWEET PRINCE x LYON OTP T____T
I'd like to mention that Zerase looks nice when she smiles. She should smile more often.
Also, it's always nice to know what happens to the 108 Stars after everything's over. For instance; I loved Mueller's one:
Mueller keeps Wilhelm working part-time by constantly prodding him full-time <-- WIN. 8D
Oh, and I really like the staff roll? The floating 3D models of the characters remind me of Gundam SEED's first ending, a bit, but hey... Shula and Richard's poses WIN. THEY LOOK SO PANSY IT'S REALLY AMUSING SOMEHOW. 8DDD And after watching the staff roll, I can now enjoy the ending tracks on the OST to the fullest T^T
Storyline-wise, I think it's great. Everything flows rather nicely, and it's not so abrupt as SuikoIV's. I'm also in love with the whole 'family' theme in this game, as almost EVERYONE is bonded to each other (blood-related or not) and it kind of sends out the message that family IS very important (which I think is really good, considering how things are in this current world + generation..). Also, I really do kind of like the politics in this story because somethings that happened were pretty unimaginable. Overall, I think the plot-twists were kind of okay as well.
Is it really weird if I find that the villians aren't really that bad after all? o.o
As for the characters, I AM SO TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH A LOT OF THEM. They have a lot of life and vigor and some are just SO lovable while some are SO LOATHABLE XDD I think the translators did a good job in making them have sometimes witty and sarcastic dialogue. Also, it's nice to see the 108 Stars interacting with each other.. there are a lot of love triangles and whatnot. I gotta love their relationships too! Oh, and ahaha Oboro's investigations are LOVE. He's so funny and sarcastic, that man. The suggestion box also offers the player a nice insight on how the characters interact with each other... the kids just love pulling pranks. :BB
Most of the cutscenes have been executed well, imho. Some make you fume inside and scream, "DON'T DO THAT YOU BASTARDDDDDDD" at the TV, some just make you MELT, some make you go OMGBBQWTF and ROFLMAOOOOOOAHAHAA. The characters' expressions are spot-on accurate too! I really love how they animate their faces and gestures. Oh, and the voice-acting? MUCH better than SuiIV's. I personally like Roy's voice, hurhur. And Georg's. Richard's. And a whole lot more. ♥
The music's good too, though some tracks are a little boring and CAN put you to sleep (I nearly fell asleep while playing that whole Lelcar arc, but it's actually quite a soothing song if you listen to it when you're wide-awake). While others are really unforgettable, like 'Despair and Hope' and the remake of the ever popular 'Theme of a Moonlit Night'. LOVE.
That basically sums everything up as I can't rant anymore because I have to go out and this whole entire rant was SO rushed. :B Hehe.
I feel SO good.