Venereal Day

Feb 14, 2004 11:26

After a week of no LJing I click on my friends page and am instantly bombarded with either "Happy Valentines Day <3" or "I h8 Valentines Day" in every single entry. However, I think a lot of you people missed something. It is in fact Valentines Day, but it is not the only V-Day on the calender. Because today is the celebration of love, there are many lovers not familiar with the dangers of love. So I propose that today also be designated as Venereal Day, in order to combat the spread of these terrible diseases. And since no other group in our society has been affected by venereal diseases as much as the Gays and Lesbians, let's start there.

Remember way back in like 4th grade when everybody had those stupid little candy hearts that said something like "I want you", "You're special!" or "The Cooties aren't contagious"? Well it's the 21st century and there are simply not enough love candies being marketed towards the gays. So I am here to unveil my new idea.

Health Hearts: These one of a kind candies are modeled after syphilis bacteria and contain a little Venereal Day anecdote. Keep in mind, we are in the early phases, so there may be some changes to the final product.


Of course, the best place to market such education is in places with high concentrations of gay people. Thus the need to educate during large rallies or pride festivals.

Floats are extravagant, no? Is it too tacky? I personally think this is subtle yet still gets the message across.

Now, though the gays are affected significantly by sexually transmitted diseases, they are certainly not the only ones. The AIDS-ravaged continent of Africa has areas in which 40% of the population is infected with the deadly disease. Many of them do not even know they have it.

In order to learn more about this debilitating illness I read

and learned two things.

1. There is no cure.
2. You are going to die.

The government really isn't telling the whole story. Good book, I recommend it. Anyways, to rid Africa (and the world for that matter) of AIDS, it all starts with education. People can't stop what they don't know about. Although there are AIDS-education programs in Africa, it seems pretty obvious that they're not as effective as they could be. A more progressive campaign must be established to truly combat the evils of HIV and AIDS. So I and a few friends

will distribute large numbers of condoms and Magic Johnson posters throughout Africa in the hopes of maybe saving just one person. Just one, that's all it takes.

To conclude this very special holiday entry, I would like to say that

I hope that his entry has perhaps shed some light on the afflictions of others and what you can do to help. Just remember how good you've got it. So please, spread the word!!But just the word, the spread of other things might be counter-productive.

Editor's Note: I just found out that Satan is gay.

Think he wants to buy a Health Heart?
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