Did anybody else know you could buy
Assault Rifles on Amazon.com??
And for that cheap? It's under 400 dollars!!!!! Jesus Christ, why stop there? They should sell pre-manufactured pipe bombs too just so they don't lack in the "Terrorist" sub-section of "Sporting Goods". Amazon is, after all, the Wall Mart of websites.
Okay scratch the pipe bombs, I found something better-
A grenade launcher. Do these people think just because terrorists supposedly live in caves, there are not factions capable of using the internet? Did this ever occur to anyone? Who the fuck needs a grenade launcher for "Sporting Goods" anyways? What are you hunting? King Kong?? Godzilla?? A gigantic, mutated Bambi hell bent on exacting revenge on the hunter who killed his beloved mother?? Is there recreational use for such a weapon? I just don't get it.
I really hope this results in a school shooting (launching??), maybe then people will smarten up...
...I just realized "these people" are probably the ones purchasing the Clay Aiken album which can only mean one thing: There is no hope.
And don't give me that "they're just BB's"--shit. You can't fool me. Al Queda is here.
Terrorist Alert Level= Orange.
Beware of all pumpkins...