Screenshots for KAT-TUN White X'mas Dwango CM, Akame witness, Utaban recording report on AKAME & a little translation on Nakamaru JWEB :D
Screenshots for KAT-TUN White X'mas Dwango CM.
mediafire Kamenashi Kazuya
Akanishi Jin
Taguchi Junnosuke
Tanaka Koki
Ueda Tatsuya
Nakamaru Yuichi
Akame witness.
It was yesterday, so should be 18th Nov (day of recording for Utaban).
One was at convenience store (not much details), another at BBQ stall.
The one who witnessed walked past Kame in the BBQ stall.
While the one who witnessed was footing the bill,
he/she saw Akanishi came out of the taxi.
So probably they ate together (:
*Got to warn you guys first that this may not be true.
They are fans report.
Credit: miyake1028
Utaban recording report on AKAME.
- A japanese fan met up with her non-AKAME-fan friend.
This non-AKAME-fan friend went to Utaban recording.
He/She mentioned that AKAME's relationship were so good that he/she got a shock.
The Utaban talk recording started around 9 o'clock and it was less than an hour.
There is talk & game session.
In the whole show,
Kame did knock on Akanishi's shoulder.
& their face did come very near to each other.
But the non-AKAME-fan said that those parts would probably be cut off.
The game played is
Sumo ~
*Got to warn you guys first that this may not be true.
They are fans report.
Credit: jindaisuki
A little translation on Nakamaru JWEB (:
Nakamaru mentioned today (18.11.2008) is the interview for The Television & recording of Utaban.
While changing clothes, Kame told him, "You have trained out muscles", probably because of the effects of training.
& Ueda updated his manual (:
Credit: Kame looks fabulous in the PV!
& a lot AKAME recently huh :D
oh yeah, there were some AKAME interaction in today's CTKT :DD
rmb to watch it!