Hey there :D Just wanted to post some progress pics! Cuz it's fun :]
Excuse the shitty cellphone pic quality but its all I got right now.
Plusle wig for my pokemon cosplay :3 so cute, I love it. Still gotta buy mah fabrics for the dress and whatnot but I could probably bang that out in a day or two.
Eva for the MGS group with Jay! Please excuse my sunburn. This is a reallyreally comfy costume, I love it. Got my ammo belt in the mail yesterday, already have the goggles & wig, just hafta make my mauser holster and I'm set!
Just a quick pic of my Shiki skirt and bag :3 The only brown zipper I had had brass teeth so Imma sharpie it silver or something. Only thing I have left to do is get the hat, add yellow to the hoodie and boots aaaand I should be done! I might try to make a Mr. Mew but thats the last thing on my list.
I think that's all I've got for now, peace out kids