Jan 24, 2008 23:11


1) Short stories are always surreal and strange. You may or may not have a fucking clue as to what message you were supposed to retain.

2) If there was an opposite version of Gyaru-o (Boi-jyo?), I would excel in the field. [WHOO I am a straight girl who can easily take on the appearance of a butch lez and likes men who like other men. I'm glad I know what's goin on though, eh? (Is it sad that HanaKimi makes me realize things like this? D: Ans: NOEP, HanaKimi is the best obv)]

21) Shirota kissing other men is pretty hot. :x

sekitx2 posted the new winter bromides in the tenipuri comm and THESE ARE MY WORDS about them:

Oshitari looks very at home in his outfit. Could, or could not be, pirate, although needs hat.

Kirihara also looks like he belongs in this get up. Count Ademar, Y/Y? (Yay I'm glad I can keep on topic with 2 degrees of separation from HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER HEATH LEDGER, etc)

Now, Atobe is a different story.

He is supposed to look like this:

For the longest time, the WTF indigo hair color change did not sit well with me, but after seeing the myu, I've grown to accept it. THAT FACE, however is ABSOLUTELY NOT ACCEPTABLE.



I mean, I get that animation consistency is difficult, but COME ON, this is a bromide, a STILL image. UGH, anipuri has never been good with this, why would I expect it to change? XD There's a reason why I prefer the TCG cards and followed a majority of the series through manga and not the anime.

ANYHOW, that is the extent of me being a huge fan-fail, and this is me screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY kayla_kagome!!!!!! I love you and your sumptuous breasts. ♥


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