Well, I suppose most of you have given up on me, eh? Ah well. Should be expected after another long absence XD;
Well, the long and short of it is, I've been busy. Really really effing busy. Some of it I can talk about, some of it I can't, but I promise I haven't given up on drawing or fandom or anything. It's just hard to juggle so many things at once, and despite the fact that the semester has ended, I've got plenty to compensate that small liberation of my time.
Now is about the time I'd promise to have a new picture up this week or some such, but, as I will be leaving for Japan a week from today, I'd rather not make any promises I'm probably not going to have time to keep. I've gotten some rather large projects heaped in my lap for this summer, some school-related, some not, but for any interested parties out there, I -am- going to be selling prints of some of my work through a new online retailer:
Argonaut Comics They're pretty new, and they'll be bridging the gap between anime/manga and american comics once things get going. As it is, the online portion of the business is just off the ground, and the actual brick establishment will hopefully be open for business towards the end of the year.
Anyways, for anyone still keeping tabs on this journal, just letting y'all know I'm still alive!