23 weeks preggie!

Jul 31, 2007 13:08

I'm 23 weeks pregnant and can't believe i'm one week away from my 3rd trimester... but it's good, cos i can't wait to see my girl!

morning sickness has slowly but surely eased off by the 21st week... and i feel more energised now. Perfect timing too cos Dear fell really ill with a viral fever some weeks ago and i had to handle leo all by myself...

we're still thinking of names... it's so hard! but maybe cos we are more pre-occupied with the new house to seriously think about her name...


I've been staying at my mom's for 3 months now... feel bad abt imposing on her but in a way, it's good to have her around. Especially during the time when i had really bad morning sickness. And she's such a wonderful cook! We are all going to miss her dinners when we move!


The big move is going to happen in the next 2 weeks. in fact, it MUST happen before Aug 12 because it would be the lunar 7th month and not good for doing anything at all. The house is not going to be perfect and it's going to look weirdly put together... we made lots of decisions without really thinking through and it's largely due to my morning sickness and his reluctance to decide on anything on his own (for fear of my nagging in the future!). BUT! I don't care anymore! I just want to move!


Next monday is our 6th ROM anniversary. We have been a couple for 10 years! Seems like a short time but i feel like we've gone through so much together. Who knew that 10 years down the road, we would have 2 kids? I wanna go for a fancy meal but he's worried about spending too much, so i told him that we can go on dutch, and he NODDED! ARG! ladies, will you go on dutch for your 10th anniversary meal?
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