Mar 09, 2005 23:39
holy crap, i can not believe that i created one of these gay livejournals but i was really bored tonight. So this is my thing to do whenever im bored so don't expect much crap because i am usually never bored. (ok im lying, im always bored) anywayz, yea so school was freaking awesome today, it was one of the best days i have had this year, but of course it oculd be better. so mr. burel bought these stupid dry erase board thingys to have us answer his questions on so today we spent the whole hour writing messages to each other and drawing nazi pictures of senor burel while he was asking pointless questions to two people because they were the only one's paying attention. it was great but the comments to the other students got sumwat X rated and i just have to say Tyler is one of the craziest but funniest freshman i have met this year and its awesome cuz he sits right next to me now. and i just jave one thing to say about chemistry today and that is methanol cannons are kick a**.