Dec 04, 2006 13:18
amsterdam was aalootttta fun.hung out with miss tara.and her cool dudefriend. smoked to my hearts content.(yessss.)drank alotta strong bow. went to museums. my hostel was RIGHT in the middle of the red light district. which was convenient but a pain at the same time. After about 11 at night every fucking dude on the street becomes a predator. well for one little 5 foot only and half me they did. I've seen enough hurt lookin hookers for quite awhile. I was there from thursday and got back today. you really only need a coupla nights there. and its very expensive. got mistaken for a whore a coupla times. bleeeh
tara left the day before I did and I went out with my hostel people. There was an INSANE japanese guy. who for the first 3 days I just thought was crazy but I thought hed be a riot when he got fucked up and I was telling everyone to convince him to get a hooker so i made him come out with us. japanese guy had his whole little setup in the hostel. all his many smoking materials and whatnot. I shoulda taken a picture... it was pretty funny. anyways japanese dude who i'd just call 'my friend' went from funny crazy japanese dude to INSANE,unpredictable in a scary way haha, and a general pain the ass.haha. to the point where we ditched him in the street and he STAYED out on the street for the coupla hours till we wound up back on that street.(whatta creep)oh well whatever he didnt kill anyone in their sleep as at some point i started to think he might.
and throughout the last few days Ive come to a couple major conclusions about myself and things I need to change.
now im back in gent. I miss my shower back home.
AND I miss my buddies! lets party when I come back!
and happy belated birthdays to sarah and jared! ♥