Nevermind the fact that I've posted more this month than I probably did in all of 2010 (I enjoy exaggerations), but look, two posts in one day. It's a Christmas Miracle.
= I feel like a bad American. I skipped out on the SOTU last night so I could finish all that Farscape I posted about. But it was actually quite funny to see/read the reactions without seeing the speech, so all was not lost.
= Filed my taxes yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised by the amount I'll be getting back. It'll be going right into savings.
= I was watching the Larry King interview on Conan from the other night and realized that January is my Sparkly anniversary. I don't know the exact date, it's whenever the boys appeared on Larry King Live in 2001. That was the first thing that made me take notice of them, so yay, 10 year anniversary for meeeee. OMG ten years. Holy crap. When's YOUR sparkly anniversary?
= Speaking of anniversaries, this Sunday will be 9 years since my Mom died. It hardly feels that long, and yet it also feels like a lot longer. I don't know if it's a normal thing, maybe those of you who have lost a parent can tell me, but I've been thinking a lot about my dad's mortality lately. He got a finger-waving from the doctor last week because he had gained 20 pounds and he's playing chicken with the diabetes again, so that just exacerbated my feelings. I just want him to be around forever, but yeah, I know. I'll be spending the afternoon with him, like I do ever Wednesday. It's my favorite part of the week.
= Have you heard of this thing? I hadn't heard about it 'til my boss mentioned it to me last week. I don't know how much of your information it's gathering, but it can't hurt to get your name off of it if you're there. I was on there twice, and it had a previous address and my current address. You have to pay for "more information" but I don't know if that's legit. Anyway, if you want to remove your name, search for yourself, and then click on the "privacy" link at the bottom (open it in another tab), then follow those directions. You have to provide an email addy, but I just used my junk addy at gmail for it, and it was fine.
Hm, I just searched my email and "username" and more stuff came up, but they wouldn't let me use that junk email again, there's a limit. Anyway, just pointing you to it, so you can remove yourself as much as possible from the site.
= I saw Blue Valentine last weekend.
Amazing performances, very sad movie to watch. Was it just me or did they never actually show us how they became so miserable? The most recent flashback was her being pregnant when they got married to BAM, five years later and she resents him and he's a drunk, and they're horrible to each other. I know it happens all too often to couples, but I would've liked to have seen the descent, instead of the juxtaposition. But regardless, I'm glad that Michelle Williams got nominated, and I think Gosling got robbed. But what else is new?
= Holy moly, Wayne Gretzky turns 50 years old today. Okay, this getting older shit is... getting old. So depressing. I'm OUT.